Networks for engineers and other nerds in the Capital Region?

slide ruleBridget emails:

My husband is looking for a job in Albany as a mechanical engineer. Do you or your readers have any tips or suggestions as to what companies to hit up?

If you have a tip for Bridget, great -- please share.

But we want to broaden her question a bit, too. There are a lot of nerd-type* professionals in the AOA crowd -- and more every day as people move here for various industries, both tiny and large. So... if you're an engineer/scientist/software developer/awesome nerd new to the Capital Region, how do you get plugged into the scene here? Are there good groups or orgs to join? Networking opportunities? Please share!

* AOA loves nerds. Obviously.

photo: Flickr user s58y


There are a few software user groups in the area

And not mentioned:

Linkedin is a good resource to follow
Companies and Colleagues on >

StateJobsNY >

The New York State Society of Professional Engineers is headquartered here, plus they have an Capital District chapter. You might want to check out their job listings (, and they'd be a good place to network regardless. - pretty much the first stop for any tech related job - this place is constantly expanding - AMD chip factory that's also poised to attract more businesses to the area as well

A handful of technical groups I hear about a lot:

Capital Region Cancer Research Group
Capital District Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Capital Region Post Doc Association

Not really for MechE's though...

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The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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