Emails evidence that Raucci was a huge jerk, Albany parking permit ordinance introduced, Bradley Cooper in Schenectady, deep-fried Kool-aid

Internal Schenectady school district emails released to the Times Union and Daily Gazette pretty much confirm that Steven Raucci often acted like an enormous jerk at work. In one of the emails Raucci tells a person with whom he's annoyed: "I should also inform you that I know where you live, what you drive, what you do after you leave work and what you had for dinner last night." [TU] [Daily Gazette]

The Albany County sheriff's office anti-DWI program employee who allegedly used false addresses to claim she lived in the county was recently suspended because she allegedly secretly recorded conversations with recently-retired sheriff James Campbell, according to "people with knowledge of the matter." [TU]

The proposed Albany residential parking permit plan has been introduced as an ordinance to the Common Council. [TU]

Neil Breslin on the contract deal the Cuomo admin reached with PEF: "I don't think anybody is happy with the contracts. It's a very difficult economic time and I'm delighted there are no layoffs and the people in my district will continue to have a job." [TU CapCon]

Another town clerk, this time in Central New York, has resigned because she doesn't want to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Says the clerk: "I know what the Bible says. My conscience, my faith, my God says I can't sign these licenses." [TU] [YNN]

Albany police say they're investigating whether the mugging of a pizza deliveryman on Jay Street in Center Square early Monday is related to an armed robbery at a convenience store where Delaware meets Madison minutes before. (APD press release below.) [TU]

State Police and Bethlehem police allege two brothers stole more than $200k in construction equipment -- including $138k excavator from the new State Police Troop G headquarters construction site in Latham. [Fox23] [TU]

Troy police say they're looking for a man allegedly connected to an assault on a woman with disabilities in Lansingburgh. [YNN]

State Police say a Washington County man tried to set himself on fire to avoid be arrested on allegations he had sex with a child. [Post-Star]

A state comptroller's office audit of the Cohoes school district apparently found a network security flaw that was serious enough that the office wouldn't publicly disclose the vulnerability. [Troy Record]

2010 was another slow year for residential construction in the Capital Region. [TU]

The Place Beyond the Pines star Bradley Cooper and director Derek Cianfrance were at a swearing-in ceremony for new Schenectady Police Department recruits yesterday. Cooper has been shadowing SPD officers as prep for his role in the movie (he plays a new cop). [Daily Gazette] [TU]

Reports of bedbugs in Saratoga have increased noticeably over the past few years, according to exterminators. [Saratogian]

A young black bear hung around Greenwich Sunday evening, climbing a tree, and watching people watch him. [Post-Star]

Available this year at the Saratoga County Fair: fried Kool-Aid. [Saratogian]


APD press release

Albany police are investigating a armed robbery of a convenient store just before 1:00 a.m. this morning.

Two men entered the Delaware News at 10 Delaware Avenue and approached a store employee who was behind the counter. Both men were armed with a handgun. They held the clerk up at gunpoint and took money from behind the counter and put it in a black plastic bag. Both men then left the store on foot in a unknown direction.

The suspects were described as black males, 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. One suspect had on a black hooded sweatshirt, knit hat and black gloves. The second suspect had on a black tee shirt and a black fitted baseball hat with a green New York Yankee logo on the front and back.

Surveillance video was taken as evidence is being reviewed.

No one was injured in the incident.


> Another town clerk, this time in Central New York, has resigned

Aw, karma. Wonder what kind of letter of recommendation he is going to end up with...

Regarding the Raucci case - it strikes me that a nice civil suit will be pending against the administrators who simply 'looked the other way' while this was occurring; apparently the concept of workplace harassment (or sexual harassment given that many of the people this guy verbally excoriated were women) hasn't quite made it to Schenectady. What a complete draconian a*****e. How fortunate that the district left a nice paper trail behind.

And while I try to avoid violence, had it been me on the receiving end of those emails, there would have been blood. Nobody should have to tolerate such abuse, especially from an employer or coworker.

I hope all of these bigoted town clerks quitting their job and cloaking their bigotry in religious rhetoric don't ever find new jobs. They really need to get over themselves!!!

-S...he's going to get a bad recommendation letter because he's standing up for what he believes in? I doubt that. I personally have NO PROBLEM with same-sex marriages, but it does go against what the Bible says, and some people take what the Bible says very seriously.

I know there are way more important things, but..... Bradley. Cooper. *swoon*

Okay, the clerks are upsetting, and just as when anyone claims to know "what the bible says," I like to remind people that the bible is largely subject to interpretation. That being said, they have a right to their beliefs, as does anyone else. I just hate it when people get hurt in the process.

the bible "says" tons of dopey crap.

good luck

Since when did SSM advocates get handed the scepter of morality? They haven't --and never will-- because attacking traditional values and those who hold them exposes the narcissism which is truly the core of this social issue. Remember that it takes the examples of lowly town clerks to show what having a leadership backbone looks like in New York State! So take a deep breath and keep that pent up anger you have for Christians inside-- otherwise you expose your own hypocrisy to lifestyle tolerance.

"[B]ecause attacking traditional values and those who hold them exposes the narcissism which is truly the core of this social issue."

At one time in America, slavery was considered a traditional value. And, for many, a religious value, too.

miles -- I take it you're one of those who just assumes that any gay-marriage opposition you hear about has to originate from dopey religious people with the dopey religious crap they get from the bible, huh? As I said earlier, I have absolutely no problem personally with gay people or gay marriage, but I've got news for you: what you're seeing from "some" town clerks exists right now in every place and in every group of people...and many of them aren't Christians, so you're not going to be able to blame the bible on their opinions. Furthermore, if you want to add your opinion here -- where people are expressing themselves intelligently -- you might not want to make a comment that is totally insensitive and downright stupid.

Opposition to gay marriage exists in many different places...and many of these peoplare aren't Christians. I'm getting the feeling more and more lately that angry advocates for gay marriage think that all opposition comes from bible thumpers, and that's just not true. It seems to me that these advocates have to have a group of people that they can hate for whatever opposition they're feeling, and it's the Christians. It has to be someone's fault. I get it. And it's getting OLD. I'm a Christian, but I'm not anti-gay marriage. Because I'm a Christian, are you painting me with the same brush?

Since when did SSM advocates get handed the scepter of morality?

I don't remember that happening, but they're on better ground than those who stand for "separate but equal" rights.

because attacking traditional values and those who hold them

Bigotry is a traditional value? Attack away, I say.

Remember that it takes the examples of lowly town clerks

Hm, "lowly". Being in a state-sponsored position to literally change thousands of people's lives is "lowly". Hate to see how you describe, say, garbagemen.

to show what having a leadership backbone looks like in New York State!

Wait, are they lowly, or are they leaders with backbone? I can't keep your story straight, probably because you can't either. But let's go with it; so, refusing to do the duties you were hired to do because of personal feelings about who you are serving and falsely couching it in "beliefs" is leadership backbone. Sure.

keep that pent up anger you have for Christians

No, you're the one framing it as Christians vs. gays. It's actually hatred for narrow-minded, cowardly, lying bigots. It's okay to hate them, really, try it sometime.

your own hypocrisy to lifestyle tolerance

Nice try, but nope. The gays in your fictional Christians vs. gays in 3D battle aren't trying to stop Christians from attending church, or stop Christians from reading the Bible, or stop Christians from praying, Or "treating" Christians to un-Christianize them, or denying Christians services they are hired to perform. Where's the intolerance? It's- oh wait, that's right.

Life can be a lot better when you live in the real world, with all those facts and stuff. Try it sometime.

B -- I think Jeff meant lowly as in "lowly" town clerks, which you would have realized, had you not already set out to condescendingly dissect each phrase he used and "correct" him on it. It's clear to me that your intellect and opinions are superior to others, so why waste your time writing a 45 minute rebuttal to someone when it only highlights your intolerance of others opinions? I'm sure you have many far more important things to be doing, since you're living in the real world...and stuff.

... and we've reached the end. Thank you all for playing. Drive home safely.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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