What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: poverty, old houses, a lost fingertip, roundabouts, Yankee Stadium, a pink spider, Saratoga pizza, a ridiculous burger, lurve for breakfast, gluten-free pizza, Thompson's Lake, Walmart pricing, hummingbirds, and well-coiffed gentlemen smoking cigars.

Talk about poverty had Kevin thinking about the two sides of Albany and Troy.

Akum got some firsthand stories on the man who built her house -- and how he lost his fingertip.

AlbanyJen imagined a timeline constructed by the walls in her 100something-year-old house.

Nick walked people through how to use a roundabout.

Small-bany is back! Dawn solved the mystery of the "and more" at Huck Finn's.

Kristi went from Albany to eating BBQ onion-covered hotdogs at Yankee Stadium in less than three hours. (Also she was directed to go to "a real hardware store.")

Jackie came across a Goldenrod Crab Spider that had changed into pink for the occasion.

The Idiots sliced up pizza options in Saratoga.

Jerry had a "ridiculous" burger at Central Steak.

Leah has "a new favorite lunch place, a new night out with Dave place, a new beautifully fresh, locally sourced, all in house desserts LOVE place."

Albany Jane has great "LURVE" for breakfast at Bob's in Watervliet.

Jess got a gluten-free pizza at The Point.

Jen went for a birthday dinner in Hudson.

Silvia stayed cool at Thompson's Lake.

A truck prompted Chuck to reminisce about Duane's Toyland.

FiS Dan would like to point out to Saratoga's mayor that the Borders building is still not occupied.

Paula took a moment to admire the facade on the Madison Theater.

The Exiles watched a hummingbird by their window.

Laura noticed some pricing at the Glenmont Walmart that "makes no sense."

And Rob says you can get people at The Track to say almost anything -- just be careful where you point that camera.


Thanks, Greg + Mary!

If I could get the ear of the chef at Central Steak, I'd urge him to consider making that ridiculous burger a regular menu item.

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The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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