There's a turkey in the neighborhood

turkey melrose neighborhood albany

Where was this turkey going? Morning walk? Getting coffee? Walk of shame?

David emailed this pic this morning:

Was driving into work this morning traveling through the Melrose area in Albany and noticed that this turkey was casually grazing right in the middle of Belvidere Ave.! Had to stop and take a picture as I wasn't sure anyone would believe me. Well there it is!

Melrose is the neighborhood uptown, between Western and Washington, just to the east of the state office campus. While it's not super dense, it's full of closely-spaced single and multi-unit houses. We've seen turkeys at Capital Hills, the municipal golf course on the edge of Albany -- but never right in the middle of a neighborhood like this.

Until now. Gobble.

(Thanks, David!)

Find It

Turkey crossing
Belvidere Ave and Hawthorne Ave
Albany, NY 12203


I used to live on Belvidere and never saw a turkey in three years there but I did see a lot of bunnies and one of my neighbors said they saw a coyote once. Usually I see turkeys like these around that sharp exit ramp either off Exit 7 from Northway or onto the Northway from Alt Route 7.

I live around there, and have seen a turkey on occasion throughout the past 2 years. He seems to favor one house in particular on Western, but has been on my lawn, and others as well.

"She" has been hanging around her for about 2 years. She spends a lot of time in my backyard behind a Rose of Sharon bush or rolling around my side lawn. She has gotten to the point where she doesn't even run away when i walk past her. We have learned to coexist I guess.

Can't believe no-one has pointed out the great ironies of the backyard turkey's presence in light of the great backyard chicken debacle.

@Lisa, Michelle: Two years? This turkey totally needs a name.

@Kendra: Heh. Maybe Albany doesn't need backyard chickens -- it just needs free range chickens.

@Kendra - we did discuss that last night. That is perhaps why we haven't drawn attention to it or maybe we wanted to make sure she is here in November.
@Greg - my husband was referring to her as George till someone pointed out that they thought he was a she. I didn't question how they knew this.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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