Capitol Haunting Tours 2011

Even more ghoulish than usual.
Registration is now open for the popular Capitol Hauntings Tour. From the blurbage:
Does the night watchman who died in the Capitol fire of 1911 still make his rounds?
Which two United States Presidents visited the Capitol after they died?
What happened to the "lost" Capitol murals and their eccentric artist?
Does the secret demon carved in stone hold a Capitol curse?
Come to the New York State Capitol for a special tour that explores these questions and other legends connected with this historic building.
The tours are free, but you have to register for them (you can do it online this year). And the slate fills up quickly. The first tour date is October 11 (a Tuesday) and they run Monday-Friday until Halloween.
Update: The Albany Trolley's ghost tours will also be back this year. They start in mid-October.
Earlier on AOA: Capital Region haunts
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Whoo Hoo! Thanks for the notice! I've been meaning to do this for a long time, but always miss the registration. I just got two spots for the Friday night before Halloween!!
... said Jessica R on Sep 20, 2011 at 11:06 AM | link
Yay! I signed up. Thanks for letting us know!
Also, maybe you could do a post for all the other spooky stuff in the area! Do they do haunted tours of Albany rural cemetery, or anything else for that matter? I love that stuff. :)
... said Summer on Sep 20, 2011 at 12:02 PM | link
The Albany Trolley put their haunted tours too! @Summer, it'll be going through Graceland cemetery, as well as visiting other haunted spots at well.
... said Ski on Sep 20, 2011 at 12:07 PM | link
Registered for October 31st! I can't think of a better way to spend Halloween. I wonder if the undigested ghosts of some of First Girlfriend Sandra Lee's spooky concoctions will be making an appearance. Talk about horrifying!
... said Tim on Sep 20, 2011 at 12:41 PM | link
@Ski, I would LOVE to do that, especially on my hubby's birthday, but $25/pp is a wee bit on the pricey side. :(
... said Summer on Sep 20, 2011 at 12:56 PM | link
Just signed up - I am doing it this year! I'll be the one on October 27th being a huge baby! (I LOVE these things but they always scare me for no rational reason!)
... said Amy on Sep 20, 2011 at 2:34 PM | link
@Summer - Totally understand, especially in this economy. I'll post if I find any other Graveyard tours. You're going to LOVE the Capital Ghost Tour!! Stuart Lehman researched it and he's really brilliant.
... said Ski on Sep 21, 2011 at 11:53 AM | link
I broke down and bought 2 tickets to the trolley tour on my husband's birthday. I figured, what the heck? He's worth it. :)
... said Summer on Sep 21, 2011 at 12:29 PM | link
I've taken this tour a couple of times because I love historic hauntings. I've even had a few paranormal experiences in the Capitol. My other half is a bit more skeptical, but he had fun, too.
... said Paula on Sep 21, 2011 at 2:27 PM | link
The Capital Tour is great just be prepared to go thru the metal detectors AND leave everything you don't want to take thru and be stopped for (pocket knives etc) at the TOUR OFFICE (The Tour Guide will take you in and let you put stuff away)
For any one handicapped---the Tour IS ACCESIBLE. You just have to know HOW and WHERE to go! Across the street to the SOUTH of the Capital Building is a more modern building---some sort of Law type place. Look for a street door facing the street towards the Capital and go in, ask the Guards where the elevator or walkways are (can't remember where you get which method) and they will show you how to go UNDER the street and into the Underground Mall area of the Capital. You can ALSO access the MAll from the underground parking lots if you don't park on the street---there is limited street parking. There is limited Handicapped street parking nearby. Once you get underground look for the Tour Office and the Guides are very helpful---they will show you what elevators to use and will meet you at the bottom of the amazing stairs. If I remember right you can go everywhere on the tour in a wheel chair or scooter--You might need to squeezal around some to get into the Balcony section of the Chamber but I might just have decided to walk in for the view---can't remember all the details!
Bring several cameras if you can---we had a problem with mis-functions and the like BUT we DID get several really amazing "orb" pics inc off the balcony and by the Haunted Staircase. Our little grand daughter was with us and every time we go by there (not often as we don't live anywheres near there) she tells us about the people she "met" there---she was 3 at the time! She might have "met" the Night Watchman according to her telling us and the Tour Guide about it.
... said Halleycomet on Oct 16, 2011 at 12:33 AM | link
Would love to register but I don't have a computer and the registration process is blocked at my job! UGH!!
... said Ken on Sep 28, 2012 at 11:14 AM | link