Schoharie on Letterman

David Letterman spent about six minutes of his show last night talking about the village of Schoharie and the flood damage it's suffered. (The segment starts after the first commercial break, at 9:08. If you can figure out how to embed the clip, please share.)
Letterman pointed out that a lot of places outside the spotlight -- like Schoharie -- had suffered extensive damage without much attention because more populated areas, such as New York City, made it through relatively unaffected. He mentioned that the "tiny, tiny town" suffered $30 million in damages, and gave info about how people can contribute, including the Schoharie Recovery Fund:
Schoharie Recovery Fund P.O. Box 111 Schoharie, NY 12157
It wasn't all serious. Letterman cited the fact that 80 percent of the village had been under 4-8 feet of water. Then he cracked: "You know, if I'm in the town council meeting, I say, 'Well, I guess we don't have to raise money for the new pool.'"
This isn't the first time Schoharie has been prominently mentioned on the the Late Show. Back in 2002, the show filled its audience with people from the village and mayor John Borst read the night's Top 10 list. Letterman recalled that episode last night and explained that's why the show was trying to help the village, because of its "special connection" to the village. [Daily Gazette Google archive]
And, thankfully, Letterman didn't try to spell Schoharie.
screengrab: CBS
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The Gazette is reporting the Letterman show had the wrong zip code.
... said spiritoflife on Sep 27, 2011 at 11:47 AM | link
I can't believe it took Schoharie being mentioned on national television to finally convince AoA to post about the devastation just 40 minutes to our west.
... said aaron clermont on Sep 27, 2011 at 4:21 PM | link
Here's a YouTube clip of the part where Dave mentions Schoharie:
I agree Aaron - the Mohawk flooding was bad, but Schoharie County is still in tragic shape a month after the flood. YNN has definitely lead the way on covering this story.
... said Schoharian on Sep 28, 2011 at 12:22 PM | link
Woah, that is pretty awesome of them (Letterman & co)!
Also, Aaron, AOA had probably a dozen posts about Irene, linking to tons of different news sources that reported on many of the affected towns. Just because they didn't have a post dedicated directly to photos of Schoharie doesn't mean they were somehow ignoring the town.
... said Paul on Sep 28, 2011 at 12:38 PM | link