Where to go for sewing classes?

sewing machine closeupFeeling crafty, Julianne emails:

Recently I've been on a DIY streak, and I realized I lack skills needed to do it myself. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a sewing class in the Capital Region.

Got a suggestion for Julianne? Please share!

photo: Flickr user d3b...*


Check out the Sewing Sisters
http://sewingsistersny.com/ (also search for them on Facebook). Some Hellions have taken classes there and very much enjoyed them!

JoAnn's hosts sewing classes. They're in the Target Plaza/Northway Mall in Albany.

For quilting lessons (which teach/utilize basic sewing skills), try The Joyful Quilter in Glenville.

Julianne - Hudson Valley has a whole series of sewing class as part of the community ed. I am halfway through a two session intro class. The next one they are doing is a three session technique class. If you already have some experience, that might be a good one for you. It's a weekend intensive format, which is nice. https://www.hvcc.edu/communityed/fall/arts.html#7

If you are looking for quilting classes, they are relatively easy to find. Basic apparel classes are easy to find as well. If you want to take draping and pattern making classes, they are much harder to find.

My wife said she would like a sewing machine for Christmas. Since I don't know anything about sewing machines I think my Wife should have the best. I also think she should have refresher classes since she hasn't sewed for some time. Please get back to me. Thanks

Hi Jerry. Husqvarna Viking is one of the best manufacturers of high-tech electronic and computerized sewing machines. The sewing machines are developed and manufactured in Sweden.

They offer a wide selection of machines that do everything from basic sewing to full on embroidery and are priced accordingly.


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