The week ahead

Here are a few things to keep in mind, look forward to, or keep busy with this week, from ghost stories, to zombie fiction, to bird beaks, to Broadway-themed improv, to dance, to fondue, to all sorts of music...
Here's the paraphrased forecast:
Monday: Mostly sunny, high in the upper 40s.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, high in the mid 50s.
Wednesday: Sunny, high in the mid 50s.
Thursday: Partly sunny, high in the mid 50s.
Friday: Cloudly with chance of showers, high in the lower 50s.
Weekend: Sunny with highs in the 50s.
Sunny and fall-like. Was Winterween just a dream?
Yep, it's Monday. For those who like a little natural scare with their Halloween, the folks at Grafton State Park are presenting a cemetery walk and ghost stories. 6pm - $2
Colson Whitehead
Fiction writer Colson Whitehead will be at UAlbany Tuesday as part of the NYS Writers Institute visiting writers series. Whitehead will be reading from, and talking about, his his new novel, Zone One, which is a pop-culture-filled zombie apocalypse novel. (Recent Fresh Air interview about the book.) Seminar at 4:15 pm at the Assembly Hall, Campus Center at UAlbany. Reading at 8pm in the same location. free
Swing and the Lindy
The Arts Center for the Capital Region is offering a class about swing dancing, the Charleston, and the Lindy Hop. You can even learn some aerials. Classes are Tuesdays from 7:30 to 8:45. This week is the first class. $66-$72
Nitty Gritty Slam
The Albany Poets' Nitty Gritty Slams are becoming a regular fixture on the local poetry scene. Let your inner poet howl in front of an audience that's ready for the wild and weird. Tuesday at 7pm. free
iEAR Presents! Liza Johnson
The innovative RPI media program will present Liza Johnson's films "In the Air," "South of Ten" and work in progress "Tide Come in" at the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies Auditorium. They will also discuss Johnson's techniques, in which she films her subjects using various techniques of participation, performance, and observation. Wednesday at 7:30pm - free
FETCH Lab: Eat Like a Bird
The next edition of the Schenectady Museum's FETCH Lab for kids -- this Thursday, Friday and Sunday -- will discuss the biology of bird beaks and how that relates to what they eat and how they live. 3 pm - free with admission to the museum
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up tour makes a return stop at the Palace Friday. He's talking about Pop Tarts recently. 7 pm - $48 and up
MOPCO Spontaneous Broadway
Mop and Bucket Co. will bring its improv sketches back to Underground at Proctors on Friday. This time, the performance will be musical improv, mimicking the creation of a Broadway play. 8 pm - $14 for adults, $6 for students and seniors
Dance Movies Premier
A few months ago, EMPAC asked people to submit ideas for films related to dance, and then commissioned three pieces. The results will be shown Saturday night, followed by a procession by punk marching band Mucca Pazza. 7 pm - $6
Fondue it up
Spoon and Whisk is offering a Saturday afternoon class on how to make fondue in both of classic Swiss and updated French ways. 11 am - $45
Monday: Punk Rock Halloween at Valentine's
Featuring The Goddamn Gallows, Tex Railers Doomtown and The Killerados. 7pm, $7
Tuesday: Hayes Carll at Valentine's
The Texas-based singer-songwriter plays with Caitlin Rose. 8pm, $13
Wednesday: Lindsey Buckingham at the Egg
The former Fleetwood Mac frontman plays his old hits, plus some newer songs. 7:30, $32.50-$55
Wednesday: Umphrey's McGee at Northern Lights
The prog-jam band will bring their special brand of rock to Clifton Park. 8 pm - $20-$25
Thursday: The Grascals at Troy Music Hall
Bluegrass with style. 8 pm - $12-$35
Saturday: The Misfits at Northern Lights
The classic horror-punk band returns. 7 pm - $16-$18
Saturday: Gretchen Parlato and Gregoire Moret at the Egg
Two modern jazz and bossanova greats. 7:30pm - $24
Saturday: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings at Helsinki Hudson
A soul voice to match the great band. 9 pm - $35 ahead / $45 day of
Sunday: Bobby Long at The Linda
Folksy and bluesy and British-y. And, look, it's a donut version of him. 8 pm - $17
These are a just a few things for this week. Know of something people should be looking forward to this week? Please share!
Look for our "Stuff to do this weekend" post on Friday.
The Troy Music Hall advertises on AOA.
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings image via the band's Facebook. Lindsey Buckingham photo via his website. Fanfare for Marching Band: Sanghoon Lee. Colson Whitehead: Frank Lojciechowski. Jerry Seinfeld via the Palace.
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"Faith Healer" at Albany Civic Theater has its pay-what-you-will preview on Thursday - I've seen it in rehearsal and I really can't recommend it enough. More than worth the normal ticket price, but on Thursday, you get to set the price yourself, whatever you can afford to donate! It also opens on Friday, and runs through November 20.
... said Amy on Oct 30, 2011 at 9:40 PM | link