My Exit: Adam Carey

It's Monday, time for another My Exit. Here's tonight's guest DJ, who will be sharing his favorite music at 8 pm on WEXT...
I'm Adam Carey. I'm 18 years old and from Amsterdam, New York. I study aviation at Schenectady County Community College, and hope to fly you around someday. I play the drums in a band called "The Ashton Williams Band," don't be afraid to check us out.
How would you describe you musical taste:
My taste in music varies from genera to general. While others are bumping Snoop Doggy Dog out of their '98 Honda Civics, I'm illegally downloading artists such as Ben Folds, Miles Davis, Rush, My Morning Jacket, The Beatles, and of course, Chumbawamba.
A few songs from Adam's My Exit:
"Wife Soup" - Umphrey's McGee
This song has more movements in it than an 80's workout video. The change in tempo and feeling really allows you to get the full effect of what they're trying to say. Although the lyrics are complete nonsense, the "Queen" like guitar riffs and 50's style drum beats really throws this whole thing together.
"Peace of Mind" - Boston
I don't know how it's possible for a man to sing this high, yet Boston seems to keep doing it time and time again. I can't tell you how many times this song has put me in a good mood, and left me in it. THAT'S music!
"Superman" - Goldfinger
All you hip 90's kids might remember this classic jingle from the popular game Tony Hawk Pro Skater. However, while Tony Hawk is out making millions of dollars for riding on ply wood, I'm out listening to his music, especially this track. I'm not sure what Goldfinger's doing here, but what ever it is, they're doing it well. And for that, we thank you.
"Hard To Handle" - The Black Crowes
The Crowes brought the FUNK on this one. This one was originally done by Otis Redding, yet the Black Crowes felt something was missing, so they fixed it with this "funkruptious" cover. Mr. Redding would be proud!
"All Star" - Smash Mouth
I'm pretty sure everyone born in the 90's knows every word of this song and can recite it on command. This classic blend of early hip-hop and old style rock accurately defines anyone who has ever uttered the words, "All that and a bag of chips" or "Boo-Yah!"...So go get jiggy to this dope song homeslice...NOT!
You can hear Cori's My Exit show tonight at 8 on 97.7 or at
Here's how to schedule your own My Exit show on WEXT.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?