The week ahead

Thurston Moore will be at Helsinki Hudson.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, look forward to, or keep busy with this week, from the weather (like March), to the year of the dragon, to the Three Stooges, to birthdays, to something big and green, to the global shipping system, to Vertigo, to all sorts of music...
Here's the paraphrased forecast:
Monday: Warm, rainy. Chance of "freezing drizzle." Highs in the low 40s.
Tuesday: Some sun. Mid 40s.
Wednesday: Sunny. A bit cooler. High 30s.
Thursday: Repeat. Maybe a little snow during the night.
Friday: Repeat.
Weekend: About the same, but cloudier. Chance or rain and snow.
More like early March.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is Monday. It's the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. This new year is the year of the dragon.
Larry, Curly, Moe (and Shemp)
The Palace's movie series will be showing a handful of Three Stooges shorts Monday night. 7 pm - $5 ($3 kids)
Stories about birthdays
The Front Parlor storytelling series, Albany version, is back at the Olde English Pub Monday night. This month's theme is "birthdays." 7 pm
Big and green
The touring version of Shrek the Musical starts a six-day run at Proctors on Tuesday. There's a show every day at 8 pm (except on Sunday), with 2 pm matinees on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. $20 and up
J. Burleigh Morton will be back at the school Thursday evening for a gallery talk about The Merchant & the Leviathan: Photographs of a Global Shipping Industry, a collection of his from a recent trip around the world documenting the global shipping industry using a large-format 4x5 camera. His photos are currently on display at the college's Visual Arts Department until March 18. 5 pm - free
Proctors is showing Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, the anime film based on the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and series, Monday evening. (Rotten Tomatoes rating.) 5 pm and 7:30 pm - $5
EMPAC is showing the Hitchcock classic Thursday. 7:30 pm - $6
Toxic Avenger
The It Came From Schenectady series at Proctors is showing The Toxic Avenger Friday night. The film's director will also be there. There will also be a bonus screening of the Trey Parker (of South Park fame) film Cannibal the Musical. 7 pm - $9 ($6 students)
Thursday: Stephane Wrembel at The Egg
A celebration of Django Reinhardt. Wrembel wrote and performed the soundtrack for Midnight in Paris. 7:30 pm - $24
Thursday: Rascal Flatts at the TU Center
Country stars. 7:30 pm - $25 and up
Friday: Diego Garcia at The Linda
Former singer for Elefant. Maybe you saw him at this past year's LarkFest. He's rather dreamy, apparently. 8 pm - $15
Friday: Thurston Moore at Helsinki Hudson
It's sad that he and Kim Gordon split up. Love his story about meeting her: "Believe me, she was unbelievable when I first met her. She wore this sort of hip prison-stripe outfit and flip-up shades on her glasses. She had a ponytail, a little ponytail that was sort of center at the back of her head and I thought, 'That's the coolest f------ person I've ever met.'" 9 pm - $18 ahead / $20 at door
Friday: Charlie Albright at the Massry Center
Young star concert pianist with "jaw-dropping technique." 7:30 pm - $20
Saturday: WEXT benefit concert
Featuring Sgt Dunbar, MaryLeigh & the Fauves, Rosary Beard, The City Never Sleeps, Mother Judge, and M.R. Poulopoulos. 7:30 pm - 2 tickets for a $50 pledge
Saturday: Burnt Sugar at Proctors
Part of the "Party Horns NYC" series. 7:30 pm - $15
Saturday: The Wiyos at Helsinki Hudson
Vaudeville-style folk. 9 pm - $15
Sunday: Carolina Chocolate Drops at The Egg
A string band of musicians who "play in the older tradition, but we are modern musicians." They won a Grammy in 2010 for best traditional folk band. 7:30 pm - $29.50
These are a just a few things for this week. Know of something people should be looking forward to this week? Please share!
Thurston Moore photo via Thurston Moore Facebook
shipping photo: J. Burleigh Morton
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The lake in Washington Park is open for ice skating and as of last night could be skated from end to end and was perfectly smooth under a couple of inches of snow. It was heavenly! Let's ask the City to maintain it (clear it and perhaps flood it when necessary, maybe offer some hot chocolate) and advertise this gem downtown! There's more to downtown than bars and booze. At the moment, you'd have to stumble upon it to even know skating is possible there--no mention of it on any city webpage I could find. As much as I like skating at the Plaza, this is way better!
... said skate in Washington Park! on Jan 23, 2012 at 10:20 AM | link