A new (online) Troy

Now a bit less cluttered.
Check it out: the city of Troy has a new website.
The new look is good (here's the old version). It's not cluttered, and resources appear to be well organized. We like the site's left-side column that lists links to what we imagine are frequently requested items -- stuff like applying for permits, contacting a council member, reporting a pot hole, or requesting a birth certificate. (Bonus: all the photos appear to actually be of Troy.) [TU 2010]
Most municipal websites in the Capital Region are pretty bad, so it's good to see Troy -- or any other city or town -- put effort into the medium. Because, you know, this internet thing just might stick.
We also noticed today that the city has a new Facebook page. (The city's former Facebook page -- which notes it's "not the official page of the City of Troy, NY" -- prompted some controversy in the past over how it was being moderated.) [Troy Record 2011]
And while we're at it: hey, look, Troy mayor Lou Rosamilia is now on Twitter, too (@MayorRosamilia). One of the good things about former mayor Harry Tutunjian's administration was that he often shared updates and interacted with people on Twitter (and still is -- now as @Harry4Troy). It's good to see Rosamilia giving it a shot.
[via @DanielleSanzone]
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I love it. I used it yesterday to quickly and painlessly find some forms I needed. Way easier to navigate. I'm happy that Mayor Rosamilla is continuing with a strong online presence for the City of Troy.
... said Kizzi on Feb 28, 2012 at 10:24 AM | link
I agree. This is very nice!
... said Jessica R on Feb 28, 2012 at 10:55 AM | link
Now if only Albany would follow suit. Our city website runs like it was made on Geocities.
... said daleyplanit on Feb 28, 2012 at 2:13 PM | link