John Waters at The Egg

john watersLooking waaaay ahead: John Waters and his one-man Christmas show will be at The Egg December 2. Tickets go on sale this Wednesday (thus the mention now) -- they're $35 and $50.

So, what does a John Waters Christmas snow involve? From the blurbage:

Like a wayward Santa for the Christmas obsessed, legendary filmmaker and raconteur John Waters rides into town on his sleigh full of smut, spreading yuletide cheer... Waters's rapid-fire monologue explores and explodes traditional archetypes as he shares his compulsive desire to give and receive perverted gifts, a religious fanaticism for Santa Claus, and an unhealthy love of true crime holiday horror stories.

So, basically what you'd expect.

Here's an interview with Waters from last November in the Baltimore Sun about the show and his apparently unconditional, un-ironic love of Christmas.

photo: Flickr user Strevo via Wikipedia


Aw! This sounds fun. One of my favorite Christmas parties (in the Before Kids era) was at a friend's house who had a traditional Bette Davis treetop angel and at the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve/Day he'd ask us all for a moment of silence, and played the scene from Female Trouble where Divine doesn't get her cha-cha heels and flips out on her parents. *sniff* Oh the lovely holiday memories!

The eggman is coming!

"...The press still calls me 'The Dog Food Murderess'. I can never go back, I couldn't bear the shame!"

I am so there!

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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