A good taxi service?

generic light up taxi signA Loyal Reader emails:

I need to have a medical procedure done and can't drive myself so I want to take a cab. Every single cab company in Albany has terrible reviews. Any idea which one will show up on time? I'm going from downtown Albany to Latham.

We hope there's an answer for LR -- but we have to admit we've never heard a "I had a great cab experience" story in the Capital Region. Usually, it's just the opposite.

Got a suggestion? Please share!

photo: Flickr user Ben Fredericson (xjrlokix)


typically medical offices will NOT allow you to leave from a medical procedure that you cannot drive after by cab and require that you have a friend or family there. i would inquire with your doctor's office if they know a good cab company and whether they will discharge you with transportation via cab.

@colleen - I've always about that kind of thing since I was told that we wouldn't be able to take our first child home from the hospital (in the UK) if we didn't have her buckled into a car seat (this was nearly 10 years ago). Can they really stop you leaving? I would certainly hope not!

NO lie, was just talking about this! Capitaland Taxi, I got a ride home Friday nite around midnite, and the cab looked and smelled spic and span inside along with the very nice and normal and SOBER cab driver Charlie.

@the_exile--if the person has had medication that would impair them from driving then it is my understanding that they can prevent you from leaving without someone present (what the alternatives are I'm not sure--would they have you transported by ambulance to some place for overnight respite care? would insurance cover that? i don't know)

They don't have to prevent you from leaving. If the office requires an escort and you don't have one, they won't do the procedure in the first place.

+1 with Colleen, I've been denied a cab ride by Albany Med in the past, they wanted friend or family only. They double-checked said friend was there when they discharged me, i.e. it didn't seem I could pretend a friend was coming, only to walk out the door and take a cab. For checkups or physical rehab later on, I had an "OK" experience with Yellow Cab when I was in a wheel-chair, going back & forth between home and Albany Med.

Buzzy's is my cab of choice, I usually take them when I need a ride to work Sunday nights if my car is in the shop.

well for pete's sake LR unless your procedure is at the crack of dawn I would be happy to drive you to/from your appt or even one way...?! A cab after a medical procedure?? Mmmm...yeah not so much

Never had a problem with taxis not on time but i havent used them that much - maybe a total of ten times., various companies.
@the_exile - kids do not require childseats in taxis here.

a+medi trans
Non-Emergency Medical Transport
Wheelchair Service
Stretcher Transportation
Ambulatory Transportation
Ambulette Transportation
Door to Door Transport
Contact Us
74 Exchange Street, Albany, NY 12205
518.433.7433 | Fax: 518.433.8329

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