What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: civility on the road, a photo show, Michelle Riggi, Noah Webster, a permanent Vermont, supermarket secrets, German food, outdoor restaurant spots, a plate of humongous win, cookies, Garden Bistro 24, raptors, North Adams, surveyors, business cards, and NiMo.

After an incident (on Delaware Ave, we're guessing), Randal says he'd gladly trade sharrows for a little civility on Capital Region roads. Ethan had a similar experience recently.

Tim has a photo show on display at the Spectrum.

FiS Dan says Michelle Riggi doesn't belong in the same sentence with Marylou.

Carl told the story of Noah Webster's visits to Albany -- apparently the lexicographer had some trouble understanding the Dutch-inflected English of this area.

Crystal's Vermont print has been tattooed on someone.

Daniel shared some "secrets" of local supermarkets.

Albany Jane stopped in for Friday dinner night at Germania Hall in Troy.

Steve asked people about their favorite outdoor spaces at local restaurants.

Jerry's brunch at Hattie's included a plate on which was almost everything was "humongous win."

Silvia went to the judging for the new DelSo cookie.

The Idiots say the truck stop in Wilton has "some of the best pie you'll ever put into your mouth."

Scott and Emily concur with the consensus that Garden Bistro 24 is worth a visit.

Jackie got some face time with raptors.

The Exiles went to North Adams -- and didn't go to MASS MoCA.

Melissa found out what happens when a passing dump truck clips the power line to your house.

Stephanie hopped the train to go see a Knicks game.

Kevin got business cards from Design It Together in Troy.

One of Kristi's readers asked for help in finding a surveyor.

Jen went for a run on the Niskayuna Bike Path, and stopped at Lock 7.

And Chuck still says NiMo when referring to the utility company -- we suspect he's one of many.

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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