What's up in the Neighborhood

A photo by Sebastien from a recent exploration.
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: cutting through bone, a parent's job, exploration, Vroman's nose, Capital District geology, wildflowers, bursting bubbles, the Canfield Casino, that elegant chapeau, a mini food tour, Carmine's Brazilian Grill, two new spots, ramps, and light bulbs.
Silvia on the situation in the school district where she works: "People, just so you know, the fat is gone - we're cutting through muscle and bone at this point."
Kristi on the Saratoga-teens-with-fake-IDs-and-the-parent-who-helped story: "A parent's job is to be a parent, first, not their kid's beer-buying BFF or confidant."
Sebastien and a crew of photographers explored a former psychiatric hospital near Poughkeepsie.
Bennett got a close look at some small things on Vroman's Nose (alas, not boogers).
Ned's great great grandfather wrote the book on Capital District geology -- literally.
Jackie checked out some tiny early wildflowers (and the bugs who love them).
Daniel explained why he thinks a "best of" poll matters. And Kevin advocated for bursting (or at least pushing through) our own bubbles.
The Exile took some time out from a wedding reception to admire the details of the Canfield Casino.
Carl got an answer to the pressing question: "Who made that elegant chapeau?"
Albany Jane took her dad on a mini food tour of the Capital Region.
Jerry tried out Carmine's Brazilian Grill.
Steve stopped into the new Johny's Diner and Madame Chef in Albany.
The Idiots asked people who has the best greasy burger in Saratoga.
Ethan is sold on Aashiana.
Emily and Scott had Easter dinner at Cafe Capriccio.
Jen had Easter brunch at the Pump Station.
The Bee Balm Gal spotted ramps at the Saratoga Farmers Market.
And when Rob talks (about light bulbs), GE listens.
photo: Sebastien Barre
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I want to cover my walls with Sebastien's photography. I just love it.
... said Kristi on Apr 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM | link
'Twas Willett! (Thanks for the props, AOA!)
... said Carl on Apr 11, 2012 at 1:45 PM | link
Thank you for the link! I always knew that my GG-GF was a scientist, and that book had sat on the shelf since...well...forever...but I never looked at it until yesterday.
... said ned on Apr 11, 2012 at 2:29 PM | link
Based on that first picture, I'm confused. I don't remember Sebastien visiting my house.
... said Laurie Bird on Apr 12, 2012 at 8:45 AM | link