Anti-fracking concert at The Egg

new yorkers against fracking concert the eggThe Egg announced today there will be a "New Yorkers Against Fracking" concert there May 15 -- and the lineup is includes a bunch of names you'll recognize: Medeski, Martin & Wood; Natalie Merchant; Citizen Cope; The Felice Brothers; Joan Osborne; Tracy Bonham; Toshi Reagon; Dan Zanes; Ida; The Horse Flies; The Ahkwesasne Women Singers.

The show will be hosted by actors Mark Ruffalo and Melissa Leo. Ruffalo, who lives in the Catskills, has been a vocal opponent of fracking -- lobbying at the Capitol and starting an org to fight it.

Tickets went on sale this morning. They're $150 and $40 / $20 for students and seniors. Presumably proceeds from the concert will be benefit New Yorkers Against Fracking.

The original announcement for this concert include Yoko Ono in the lineup, but organizers say she wasn't confirmed.


Wow. Amazing line up! I just bought tickets. Also, the website says Yoko had to cnacel. :-(

$150 a ticket?!?!? Frack You!

@Ponce, the way it is written above is misleading. I got tickets in row B for $40. I'm betting the $150 tickets are the very front rows, and might include meeting some of the artists before or after the show.

Anti-fracking strategy:
1. Overwhelmingly support Andrew Cuomo for Governor. Pretend anti-fracking candidates don't exist, or that somehow voting for them will get a horse-porn aficionado elected.
2. Have a concert to oppose fracking.
3. Overwhelmingly vote to re-elect Cuomo.
4. Have another concert.

When's the Pro Fracking Concert?

Thank god for this, as gas prices aren't high enough now. Lets send more of our dollars overseas for foreign energy!

I am looking forward to fracking because I'm tired of organic vegetables and clean drinking water - I want brain tumors and fire water! Bring on the chemicals baby!

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