Applications open for street painting competition in Troy, and this year's Fence Show

Casey's AOA-sponsored entry in last year's competition.
The Troy River Street Festival -- one of our favorite local summer festivals -- is coming up June 16. And that means applications are now open for the annual street painting contest at the festival.
The competition includes space for 75 artists, a range of age-specific categories, to chalk designs on a panel of sidewalk along River Street. And there's $1,000 in prizes.
The entry fee is $15. And the competition does fill up -- so the earlier you apply, the better.
Speaking of arts and downtown Troy... the call for entries is now out for the annual Fence Show at the Arts Center of the Capital Region. The Fence Salon will open June 16. This year's juror, Jim Richard Wilson from the Opalka Gallery at the Sage Colleges, will select works from the salon for inclusion in the Fence Select show that opens July 27.
Yep, the Arts Center advertises on AOA.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?