What's up in the Neighborhood

From Sebastien's recent trip to The Gunks.
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: moving to Albany, bike commuting, the 1880s, the Frear Building, magnifique with a side of sacrebleu, the escarpment, moths, lobster, sliders, cheating, downtown Saratoga, running uphill, and a remembrance.
Emily came to Albany to bake pies -- but it turned out even better than that.
Carl shared a few observations from biking to work for years. Randal took the pulpit for some bike preaching.
Akum dipped into life on Clinton Ave in Albany in the 1880s.
Jessica on the Frear Building in Troy and the store that once occupied it: "It's my favorite building in Troy and my favorite name of any store of all time."
Sebastien enjoyed "magnifique, with a side of sacrebleu" in the Gunks.
Albaniana's daughter and husband hiked along the base of the Helderberg escarpment.
Jackie came across a pair of gorgeous moths in downtown Saratoga.
The Exile was left with more questions than answers after spotting what looked like a deer leg on a cement truck.
Burger Lab thoughts from Daniel and Jerry.
Silvia was disappointed by Max London's.
Aliza was wowed by a stuffed lobster at the Wishing Well in Saratoga.
Albany Jane says she and Albany John enjoyed "bar food done quite well" at City Beer Hall.
Ned went to the the Dogfish Head tasting at the Ruck.
Kristi spotted cheaters at the Workforce Team Challenge.
Jen ran the Founders' Day 15k in Cohoes, which appears to be mostly uphill.
FiS Dan shared a bunch of Saratoga thoughts.
The Idiots have an intriguing rumor about downtown Saratoga.
And Chuck remembered Anthony Clement.
photo: Sebastien Barre
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?