Not America's Next Top Model -- but still fierce

Do people still say fierce? We're going with it.
Scotia native Laura LaFrate did not win America's Next Top Model Wednesday night. That honor went to her British co-finalist, Sophie (and Sophie's pink hair). But LaFrate overcame a panic attack, a hair bow (hairbow?), and the usual ANTM drama (there's always crying) to turn in a great performance.
The judges spoke highly of LaFrate's presence, her ability to create striking images on camera, her willingness to be different. And throughout the season she came across as a very engaging person. She's hard to forget. We're betting more success is ahead.
Update: LaFrate told the Daily Gazette after the final: "For most people my age, you're at this point where you're trying to figure out what you want to do ... When I saw that final [episode], I was like 'Wow, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to be doing.' " [Daily Gazette]
Wednesday was also a big day because she finally got her driver's license. [TU]
photo: Walter Sassard/The CW
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Not having watched the show, I was surprised to learn the winner was British. Perhaps they might want to consider changing the name of the show.
... said Code Monkey on May 31, 2012 at 7:30 AM | link
I wanted our local beauty to win!
Don't give up Laura, never give up!
When i was 18 i modeled for Lady Bug and Villager clothing.
... said mg on May 31, 2012 at 10:34 AM | link
She should've won! She's technically "AMERICA's Next Top Model"- no doubt in my mind she'll be signed with an agency within the next 6 months.
... said Vron on May 31, 2012 at 10:55 AM | link
@Code Monkey, Vron: This season ("cycle", whatever) was titled America's Next Top Model: British Invasion" -- it was sort of a Brits vs. Americans thing (complete with Tyra reference to the Revolutionary War during the final). The British competitors were from the UK version of the show.
... said Greg on May 31, 2012 at 1:08 PM | link