Plan to decriminalize small amounts of pot too vague for Senate Republicans, Troy arrest could lead to breaks in four shooting cases, Chopper gets funding for electric car charging stations

The Republican majority in the State Senate is not happy with Governor Cuomo's proposal to decriminalize open possession of small amounts of marijuana. Claiming the proposal is too broad, Majority Leader Dean Skelos said, "Being able to just walk around with 10 joints in each ear, and it only be a violation, I think that's wrong." [YNN] [NYT]

The idea for the Malaysian-financed convention center was first passed to Governor Cuomo by senior Genting executives at an October fundraiser in Westchester. The Cuomo administration maintains that more than $2 million in funding from gambling interests, including Genting, channeled through the lobbying group Committee to Save New York, did not influence policy making in the state. The Joint Commission on Public Ethics, headed by a Cuomo appointed chairwoman, says six and seven figure donors to the Governor's campaign may not be required to be revealed.[WSJ] [NYT] [WNYT]

The arrest of a Troy man for allegedly shooting a high school basketball standout may help Troy police wrap up four other recent shootings, including one that injured an innocent 15 year old girl. [TU] [YNN]

Albany police are looking into an early morning shooting on the 500 block of Washington Avenue this morning. [Fox 23]

A Fort Edward neighborhood is mourning the death of the 13 year old who was fatally shot on Tuesday when he and another teen were handling a shotgun. [TU] [YNN]

A teenager living at Vanderheyden Hall, a North Greenbush facility for troubled kids, is facing sex charges for allegedly raping a 15 year old girl at the facility.[TU]

The convicted rapist who claimed defense attorney Lee Kindlon was too involved with his campaign for D.A. to focus on his defense, was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Said the victim at the sentencing, " What I hope you know now is that you picked the wrong girl, and I'll do anything in my owed, as long as I can, to ensure that you pay for your crime to the greatest extent the laws allows." [News 10] [TU]

A Brandt Lake man was charged with killing his own dog after it bit his toddler in May [TU]

If The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors doesn't approve the 3 AM last call for bars, the Saratoga Public Safety commissioner could try to slap a tax on bars that stay open past a certain hour. [TU]

Troy's City Council is considering banning smoking in public places -- especially places that attract children. [YNN]

Schenectady is cracking down on absentee landlords in an effort to deal with the number of abandoned buildings in the city. [YNN]

Price Chopper is one of ten businesses in New York that will share $4.4 million in funding for hundreds of electric-vehicle charging stations.[CBS 6]

Waterford is installing a secure drop box at the police department where people can dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs. [Fox 23]

A Shenendahowa elementary school student is being treated for a MRSA infection. [TU]

The Vice President of a Saratoga software company and Round Lake Village Board member, Carrie Woerner has announced she'll be challenging Republican Assemblyman Tony Jordan for the newly redrawn 113th assembly district seat. [Saratogian]

A report released Wednesday by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows New York power plants are responsible for less toxic mercury pollution than any other state near the Great Lakes. [TU]

Federal agriculture disasters have been declared in nine local counties because of the early spring that was followed by a spring freeze, allowing farms in these areas to apply for a variety of aid programs. [WNYT] [TU]

The EPA has released a review of Superfund clean up that calls the Hudson River PCB dredging successful, and a coalition of environmentalists are calling for the process to be expanded. [News 10]

Federal legislators are considering a farm bill that would preserve and expand grant programs for research into frost and pest protection and plant breeding, help with overseas marketing of their products, and make crop insurance more affordable and more helpful. [TU]

Watervliet's Planning Board has finished its report to the city council on a proposal to knockdown St. Patrick's Church to create a new Price Chopper. [Record]

Occupy Albany protestors brought Governor Cuomo a fake check for $2million in an effort to draw attention to the fight to raise the minimum wage. [WNYT]

Good -government advocates are supporting a bill that would allow New Yorkers to register to vote online. [TU]

The Giants have 14 practices slated for Albany between July 26th and August 15 of this year. The team will be recognized by President Obama on Friday for their Super Bowl victory. [TU] [WNYT]

The man who brought back the Saratoga Memorial Day Parade was honored at the Capitol on Wednesday. [TU]

The Houston Astros have drafted players from Spa Catholic and LaSalle.[YNN]


Somehow I don't think St. Patrick's Church would be "raised" to create a new Price Chopper... I think the proposal is to "raze" the church.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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