A week on a bike

The Gazette's Kathleen Moore recently took up a challenge to only use a bicycle to get around for the week -- and aside from what sounds like a bumpy trip to Clifton Park (water bottle thieves!) -- it went well. She'd gone 15 years without riding a bike -- and now she's shopping for a new one. [Daily Gazette]


Great article. Best bit: "But after I forced myself to act like a vehicle, it was surprisingly easy."

I hope that when she goes bike shopping, she does it at one of our local bike shops, not at a discount retailer. The LBS is going to be much better able to fit you to the bike, which is about 90% of being comfortable on it. In addition, those discount bikes get to be discount by installing significantly cheaper components, precisely where it matters: in the turning parts and the gearing systems. You'll end up paying more than the difference in replacement parts in a very short period of time.

I enjoyed Kathleen's blog posts about her bike experience. I am thinking about buying a bicycle, for riding in my neighborhood and on paved bike paths. But it's been about 20 years since I last rode a bike and I'm not sure if riding will aggravate my shoulder and neck problems. Does anyone know if any of the local bike shops offer short-term rentals?

I rode my bike last year for the first time in ~15 years and my knees blew up to the point where I couldn't walk! Looks like it's drivin' for me.

I give up driving several times a year in an attempt to only travel by foot or bike. Usually it's for a day or two, with my longest stint being over a week. I understand that not everyone can do it for family, medical, or safety reasons -- but if you can ever do it, even for a day, it's a truly humbling experience.

Late to responding, but two thoughts to above comments:

Paul, if your knees hurt from biking (and don't normally), your bike doesn't fit. That's it. Bike fit is critical, and it is only done well at local bike shops, not chain stores. And you're probably making the mistake of pressing way harder than you need to, I see beginners do that all the time. Use your gears and spin.

Susan, unfortunately rentals aren't generally available around here. If you have any friends who cycle and can loan you something that might be the best way to go. There are people with all kinds of limitations who manage them on a bike, but style and fit are going to be important, and you may need to try several to find the right kind for you. Lovely Bicycle writes about such issues: http://lovelybike.blogspot.com/

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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