Our Town: Troy

our town troy stillWMHT's new Our Town: Troy airs for the first time this Thursday at 7:30 pm. From the blurbage:

WMHT's OUR TOWN TROY features stories told by those who live and work in Troy using their personal video cameras. The stories are designed to show the heritage, personalities and unique characteristics that make the community distinct. The stories are chosen and told by community members.

The program includes 25 stories -- the full list of stories and storytellers is after the jump. And here are a bunch of stills from the program.

The Our Town series already includes Amsterdam, Bethlehem, Hudson, Saratoga Springs and Schenectady. Those episodes are available online in full.

1. The Artists in the Ilium Building & Troy Art Scene- Jenny McShan
2. The Arts Center of the Capital Region- Deborah Onslow & Caroline Corrigan
3. Capital District Community Gardens- Amy Klein
4. The Children's Museum of Science and Technology- Sarah Fisk
5. Dancing Arts in Education- Ellen Sinapoli
6. Emma Willard- Trudy Hanmer
7. Historic Walk Through Troy- Kathy Sheehan
8. The History and Beauty of Frear Park- Bram van Heuveln
9. The History of Troy- Joe Vece
10. Little Italy- Geri de Seve
11. Living the Life of My Dreams- Deborah Segel
12. Homes designed by Architect Stanton P. Lee- Kathleen Cassidy
13. Rensselaer Vietnam Memorial- Jim Davey
14. The Sage Colleges- Sharon Robinson
15. St. Basil's Greek Orthodox Church- Despina Nicholas-Brosnihan
16. Tri-City ValleyCats- Michelle Skinner
17. Troy Alley Action- Barbara Nelson & Sidney Fleisher
18. Troy Booster Club- Joanne Vadney & Donna Littlejohn
19. Troy Events- Mayor Lou Rosamilia
20. Troy's "Hip" History- Katrin Haldeman
21. Troy Prep- Katie Yezzi & Gabrielle Harris
22. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall- Leslie Cheu
23. Troy School District- Helen Dufel & Shannel Farmer
24. Troy - The Silicon Valley of the 19th Century- P. Thomas Carroll
25. Troy Waterfront Farmers' Market- Monica Kurzejeski

still: WMHT


This looks like a great list of storytellers, and an amazing representation of what's going on in Troy!

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