Fiona Apple at the Palace

The Palace has posted that Fiona Apple will be playing a show there October 19. Tickets go on sale to the general public this Friday (July 13). They start at $34.50.
Apple released her first album in seven years in June: The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do. (Hey, that's relatively short compared to When the Pawn...) It's gotten good reviews.
Why so long between albums? As she told NPR recently: "The only reason that it takes me seven years to do stuff is because I just don't really have a plan."
By the way: Morrissey is scheduled to play a show at the Palace the day before Apple. If you see the building weeping quietly in a corner that weekend, you'll have to understand. It will have been a very emotional 24 hours.
photo via Fiona Apple Facebook
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