Bumper gawking

Arrr! We're not sure who sent this one to us, but thanks!
We like to gawk at custom license plates.
And we know you do, too.
Here's yet another new bunch from around town...
Via Erik:
Via Arielle, "The smartest of smart cars.":
Via Siobhan:
Via Siobhan:
Via komradebob:
Via Arielle, "'I decided'.....long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow?":
As in, "Ken is free" -- "Let Ken out"?
You have to say it with the accent:
Thanks, everyone!
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This week I've seen a plate that reads "JRNLST" and our own local NanoCelebrity with "DR NANO" on his Ferrari. The Journalist was puttering along respectfully, while Dr. Nano was weaving in and out of rush hour traffic like he owns this town, which I guess he does.
... said A.C. on Jul 13, 2012 at 8:12 PM | link
Damn you for getting that Whitney Houston song in my head! #earworm
... said Jessica R on Jul 16, 2012 at 9:17 AM | link
i always seem to get stuck behind the black Lamborghini with "Dr 90210" around town. he should be pulled over for driving too slow!
... said DLL on Jul 16, 2012 at 12:51 PM | link