The Cambridge Hotel ep of Hotel Hell

Experience the transformative powers of my British accent...
The Cambridge Hotel episode of Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Hell aired last night. If you missed it and would like to watch it, the Fox website says the full ep will be available online August 28. (You can watch it now if you have Hulu Plus, or you're a Dish or Verizon subscriber.)
You've seen this show even if you haven't seen this show. Ramsay shows up, things look bad, he scolds some people and tells them how bad they are, we witness an epiphany produced by the scolding -- and look at how much better everything is now. Here's a representative clip from last night's show in which Ramsay scolds owner John Imhof about the apple pie.*
And, hey: Steve got a few seconds -- and even one line -- which was fun. Also: here's an account of Jerry's visit post-Ramsay.
As you probably know, the hotel wasn't ultimately saved. It was foreclosed upon and sold at auction in June. [Post-Star]
Related: NYT had an interesting story about what happens after these restaurant makeover shows leave -- it appears that very few of the places end up doing well.
*Apple pie a la mode was first created at the Cambridge Hotel. Maybe.
photo: Hotel Hell/Fox
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