Figure model drawing meets burlesque

Not your typical art class: "Pasties, Pencils & Pints" is coming up this Thursday in Troy. Organizer Emily Armstrong describes it as, "The Capital Region's first sassy figure model drink-n-draw. It's sort of like life drawing meets burlesque."
Emily says the first event was this past July, and they've been holding them monthly since. She explains how it works:
There are about two hours of poses with a model, starting with one minute and working all the way up to 20. We don't allow just anyone to model, however -- it's really got to be someone who can and will exude their inner sexiness, and someone who will dress in an interesting costume (or two). As the poses get longer, the model removes parts of her (or his -- though we've only had female models thus far) costume, and like in a burlesque show, the audience in encourage to cheer.
There are also three drawing contests each time, and they always include best non-dominate handed drawing, and two other silly things (like, best incorporation of a sailor, best incorporation of competitive sports). The contests are always for prizes, and sometimes local businesses donate. ...
We always have a DJ who sets the mood, and we ask for a $10 donation to cover fees. It's really important to me that the model gets paid well so that it's a desirable thing to do, and after all, we are asking for A LOT from them. Without the model, we have no event.
The series' Facebook page has a bunch of photos from previous nights, so you can get a sense of the scene. (The "pints" part of the night is BYOB.)
The drink-n-draw is at 51 3rd Street in Troy on Thursday. (Emily says they're trying to keep it the third Thursday of each month.) Prizes this month are from Brown's and CAPow! Art Illustration & Photography.
By the way: Emily says the 51 3rd Street space recently suffered some water damage, and they almost had to cancel this month as a result -- but it's still on. "I was unable to find another venue where we'd be able to pay the model AND pay for the space. There is some cleanup needed to be able to use 51 3rd again, and we're assembling a crew to go in Wednesday at 7 and do it. (And by a crew, it will be at least my mom and I :) )."
photo: Andrew Franciosa
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Do we sign up ahead of time or can we just show up?
... said Madeline on Sep 18, 2012 at 11:49 AM | link
I would just like to point out that TROY RULES!!!
... said Jessica R on Sep 18, 2012 at 12:41 PM | link
@Madeline -- you can just show up, but if you RSVP on the facebook event, you'll be connected for any important updates.
... said Emily on Sep 18, 2012 at 3:42 PM | link
Oh, and here's a link to that event page:
... said Emily on Sep 18, 2012 at 11:17 PM | link