Drawing: tickets for John Oliver at The Egg, and dinner at City Beer Hall

john oliver the daily show

John Oliver is pointing at you.

Drawing's closed!

Comedian John Oliver -- you know, from The Daily Show -- will be at The Egg January 11. We have two tickets for the show and we're giving them away. BUT. WAIT. There's more. We also have a $40 gift certificate for dinner at the City Beer Hall before the show. And, yes John, WE ARE ALSO giving that away.

To enter the drawing, please answer this question in the comments:

John Oliver is British. So, what's you're favorite Britishism -- real or made up?

This could be anything: cheeky, crikey, loo, dodgy, nutter, flat, sixes and sevens. Or even one that you make up that sounds plausibly British. (It might help to watch a few episodes of Skins. But not the fourth season, because the end is completely bonkers.) We'll pick one winner at random.

John Oliver first got attention in the UK doing standup and a politics-themed comedy radio show. He joined the Daily Show in 2006. And he still co-hosts a satirical news podcast about US and UK events called The Bugle.

His show at The Egg starts at 8 pm on January 11. Tickets are on sale now. They're $32.50.

Important: All comments must be submitted by noon on Thursday, November 1, 2012 to be entered in the drawing. You must answer the question to be part of the drawing. One entry per person, please. You must enter a valid email address (that you check regularly) with your comment. The winner will be notified via email by 5 pm on Thursday and must respond by 5 pm on Friday, October 2.

Live Nation advertises on AOA.

photo: The Daily Show / John Oliver website


Smeg. Because I grew up watching Red Dwarf on late night Canadian TV.

Knickers(Underwear) - From The Young Ones -
Vyvyan Basterd displayed some impressive mathematical talent (working out instantly that he has worn his three pairs of knickers 269 times each since their last wash).

Oh boy this is easy!! 'We are the knights who say NI' - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"quid" always made me think of squid instead of money

Bleedin'. As in "no bleedin' good."

Its the bees knees! Or, if you prefer, the cat's pajamas!

Bangers & Mash!

Chuffed to bits!

Bum. Wow, she has a nice bum.

the dog's bollocks

Pronouncing "aluminum," "al-you-min-ee-um."

The expression "Bob's your uncle" is pretty fun sometimes.

Lorry for truck;
Petrol for gasoline;
Boot for trunk;
Bonnet for hood.

My favorite: Ministry of Transport for Department of Transportation.

Blimey has to be my favorite. So expressive, yet what on earth does it mean? Love it.

Spotted dick: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_dick

Jumper (for sweater)
I worked at a girl's sleep away camp when I was younger with a British co-counselor and she constantly insisted on "seeing jumpers" for breakfast, I thought she wanted the girls to be suicidal or insanely jazzed for breakfast.

Calling people muppets as an insult. As in "He's a bloody muppet!"

Sausages are called bangers.

"Trollop" never did anyone a disservice. I'm going to London on Monday 11/5!

My favorite borrowed-from-Britain word is "bloody"

"well bully you"

Fancy as in I really fancy me some City Beer Hall!

This post is spot on.




ice lolly for popsicle

Does "pasty" count? It's a British food... and it's delicious.

Or maybe I should just go childish and say "wanker." :)

Anything Monty Python.

Bloody hell.


As in cat. Its used as a positive word in england. Meaning one who is thoughtful and loving. As opposed to our own spin on the word.


Bollocks! What a load of bollocks it will be if I don't win.

You're having a bath if you think you're half-inching that.

Prozzies. Learned it from watching Life on Mars.

The saying- It's black over Bill's mothers.
Meaning there are black clouds over there. It's Northern British.

My other favorite that confuses British people (as there are regional variations) are the British words for Bread rolls:
Breadcake, Bap, Bun, Teacake, Bin lid & Oven bottom.

Snoggin' (To Snog).


Are you taking a piss?


Telly - "I saw it on the telly!"

I watch a lot of Top Gear on BBC America, so I'm pretty fond of:

calling someone a pillock (idiot)
bog roll (toilet paper)
pikey (a term for someone of low social class)

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff! :) ok, so he's a time lord, but... Written by brits! :)

Crisps or Chips


Innit. It's a great britishism, innit?

(British ladies greeting - said in a Monty Pytho-like way) :-)

"That's pants!"

That really chafes my willy!

I would love these tickets, because I am a bit skint right now

shag. nuff said.


That would be 'aluminium,' as named by the discoverer :-P. See also: yoghurt.

I am partial to 'bloody' as an all-purpose enhancer of adjectives, and to 'cheers' as an all-purpose parting phrase.

Calling a person "daft." It makes it sound slightly less insulting to be calling someone a total moron. Plus, it's just funny - as in, you'd be a daft cow not to enter this contest :)


Right quick.


My late friend Sarah used to talk about how the English sound so polite, even when upset - saying something like "Oh poppycock, Im out of petrol" which translates to "$#%#!! I'm out of gas!" in American.

The spelling of "theatre" and "grey". I don't know why but I grew up spelling those words that way, perhaps because my grandfather was British and that was one of his effects on his family. But now I stubbornly continue on with the spelling.

what's all this then?

Bob's your uncle!


James Blunt for see you next Tuesday.

I love 'knackered.'



I didn't think it was real but I gave directions to someone on the tube a few years back and the kind British lady said, "Thank you m'dear, cheerio!"

Crikey!!! my fiance's mom ( not british, but avid Dr. Who fan) always drops in in her texts messages. love it.

When my grandmother stubs her toe she shouts "Bugger!"

snog, knickers, and wibbely-wobbely timey-wimey.

Definitely "Bob's your uncle"

"Sore-ie. Sooo Sore-ie" (But they really AREN'T sorry!) Ha. Lived there for a year and grew to love this classic British sentiment.

Lorry (truck), love (dear), and knickers!

"It really gets on my tits!"

I hope I shagging, buggary, bullocks win these tickets!!! If Iturn out to be the loser, the winner is a prat!

bloody good!

"that's a sticky wicket" always makes me giggle because...well...I think it is something vaguely sexual and I am twelve.

"bite my banger!" - professor duncan (aka john oliver), community


Ta! For example, if I won these tickets I would say "ta" as a short and simple English way to say thank you. I also love how the British describe most nice things as "lovely," as in "That turducken sandwich at the City Beer Hall was lovely."

Queasey little git

drinking "shandy"

I've always been partial to "cheers" when departing a gathering or signing off on correspondence.

"Are you 'avin' a laugh? Is he 'avin' a laugh?" - Andy Millman, Extras

"Wobbly bits" a la Bridget Jones

"Bloody hell!"

Fags. For cigarettes of course.


I've taken to exclaiming "Brilliant!" as of late.

meat and two veg (where "veg" doesn't necessarily have to be a vegetable)

I love to use the word Queue. Why? Because it is an epic scrabble word, and it shows up in all the best crosswords. Cheers to you, Brits!

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

Whenever my kids do something cute, my England-dwelling SIL says they're being "clever." Makes me think they need a hat and magnifying glass...

"Second Bite at the Apple"
British soccer announcer's reference when a player whiffs on a shot on goal, but somehow manages to get the ball back and score.


Among those I miss from the homeland: "having a lie-in"

As in, "If I win these tickets it will be a late night and the kids better let us have a lie-in in the morning!"

Bangers, yum!

Pints (as in beer)! Also the low-brow favorites wanker, sod, and bollocks.

I recently heard the term "specky," describing someone who wears glasses (aka "specs").

"Way out" for "exit". Always sounded very hippie to me.

There are so many to choose from....but gonna go with "wanker"

From the tube, Mind the Gap.

Friday last, my mate Oliver was sent down from Oxford where he was reading Maths. Shame, that. So we all got pissed down at the pub and narked up a hen party! Then Olie honked on high street and ended up in hospital.


Saloon for Sedan.

Jumper, in reference to what is otherwise known as a sweater

Cheers! Love when people with British accents say it to me.

Mucky pup!

"Who took the jelly outta your donut?"

Having had a boss from London for 10 years, I find myself saying three things now, which I never said before:
"at the weekend"
"to start with"
"moving house"

I think "at the weekend" is my favorite, for obvious reasons.

That is SO PANTS!

Howyoo? Ya mum still doing bird?

"freshen your tea guv'na?"

Just saw a new one recently that I like!

"Mucky pup" means "messy person" in American English



Saying "Corridor" for hallway

My favorite Britishism might be "petrol" instead of gas. But most of all I love them for creating Downton Abbey and sharing it with me. The Downtown Albany sign on 787 will never look the same!

Calling the elevator "the lift" has its charms.

Pip Pip!



Tea and crumpets!

Telly for television
Petrol for gas
Flat for apartment

Their pronunciation of laboratory: la-bore-a-tory.

My current favorite is "all talk and no trousers!"

Oh, how can I choose? Well, a lot of my personal favorites have been mentioned already, but I've always been a fan of "mum's the word," followed immediately by an imperceptible wink.

But I've also taken to muttering "just having a laugh" for a generally abysmal performance, a la "The IT Crowd" =)

dotty-- meaning, a bit crazy.... straight from my favorite Roald Dahl short, The Landlady :)

Soccer being called football
Zero being called Nil in football

Peckish (hungry) As in, "Feeling a bit peckish, so I am going to have me-self a quick pint and a sani (sandwich) at the City Beer Hall."

Goose pimples

The extra U in (or other varied spellings of) certain words, like 'flavour', 'savour', 'cheque'.


Wicked Googly always makes me go leg before wicket and really throws a spanner in my works.

I like the term 'the pond' :)

a fizzy pop, a cuppa and a pint.

Hmmm, so many... shrubbery, muppets, getting pissed, but my faviorite is havin a pint!

I'm going with "Pissed." Not as in angry, but as in really drunk. The British pronunciation of aluminum is a close second.

Give your kids a bloody knife and fork and let me put some fresh food in front of them they can eat. - Jamie Oliver

the mighty boosh, and ummm- the beatles maybe!

poop, i mean rubbish

"Bob's your Uncle" which means "there you have it" it never really made sense to me, but hearing it always makes me giggle!

"Tosser," British equivalent to "D-bag."

Gob (AKA mouth)


"Tits-up", when something fails horribly.

E.g., "Our website was going great until the new guy got a handle on the admin password -- after that everything went tits-up."

I like that they use the word 'twat' in a more casual way, like idiot... Embrace it, America!

Love. As in, cheers love! Endearing and not creepy, and somehow always makes me feel special!

Ello Govner! Sweep the chimneys I will I will!


Whopper.. as in.. we had a whopper of a good time

My best friend and her family moved to NY from England when she was 10. Whenever her mom would take photos of us she'd lead into it with "Readyyyyy, steadyyyyyyyyy." Everyone else's mom just said "Smile!!"

My friends and I loved it.

Fag = cigarette

There is something overly comforting about being called a 'Bloke'...... just me?

Any phrase that refers to 'shagging'

Always been a fan of sixes and sevens :)

Bangers and Mash


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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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