Curtains open
Casey Seiler has the backstory on an enormous mural (it's the size of a movie screen) at the State Education Building that's been hidden behind a curtain for more than a decade. (It'd be great if the Times Union could post a large-format photo of the painting online -- it's the best chance many people will get to see it.)
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It is a waste that such a fine structure is now nothing more than offices.
... said Eric Scheirer Stott on Nov 5, 2012 at 8:42 PM | link
From the fine TU article: "At the same time, State Ed was trying to make up for lost time by diversifying its personnel as part of a larger push for enhanced multiculturalism. One unintended consequence: African-American voices at SED began to complain about the mural. And so, quietly, the curtain was drawn."
So sad. If all the allegorical, politically incorrect or thought-provoking pieces of art, music and literature were removed from the world, it would indeed be a rather sad place. The arts and humanities have something to teach all of us. How ironic that the buffoons of State Ed are doing everything in their power to systematically eradicate students' ability to think critically, logically, ethically and with an appreciation of aesthetics by wiping out arts and humanities curricula across the state. Way to go. Now cover that thing up.
... said -R. on Nov 6, 2012 at 9:36 AM | link