Craig and his wonderful list
The good thing about Craigslist: It's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: It's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations.
Good or bad, we'll let you decide...
"[Y]ou did me the greatest possible kindness anyone could have in that moment."
He just likes to cook pizza. For free. At your house.
A hug made his night on New Year's Eve.
"I wanted invade your personal space like Sam Jackson invaded hollywood..."
Price Chopper should maybe look into adding a personals function to the AdvantEdge card.
His description of himself: "sweet awesome shorter awesome intelligent awesome dashing awesome young man."
This is crazy, but here's my Craigslist post, let's go sledding maybe?
"I get off on the whole process" is probably not the best phrase to use in this case.
They disappeared when he and his "big friend" returned, as if he and his friend had imagined the whole thing.
That's one way to travel to Schenectady.
Not mentioned: it'd be a good way to meet a lot of women.
An unfortunate way to lose a tire -- for everyone.
Random items available
For sale: an antique couch like something from Downton Abbey ($850)
For sale: an old barber chair ($500)
For sale: a lot of vintage padlocks ($25)
For sale: a beautifully spare old ironing board ($50)
For sale: Trendy Tots in Schenectady ($45000)
For sale: an espresso machine ($4700)
For sale: 80 feet of ducting ($2000)
For sale: 6 homing pigeons ($180)
For sale: a dozen quail hatching eggs ($10)
photo: Craigslist item "Antique Wooden Primitive Ironing Board, Great Condition"
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?