Suggestion of a doctor for migraines?

stethoscope and ophthalmoscopeAnonymous asks:

Over the last few years I've been getting recurring migraines. My primary care doctor gave me some basic advice (stay away from red wine, for example), but that hasn't really helped. Can anyone recommend a good neurologist, or other type of doctor, in the Albany area for migraines or headaches?

Got a suggestion for Anonymous? Please share.

photo: Flickr user a.drian (cc)


I'm still working on this issue myself, but Dr. Hart in Clifton Park seems to know what he's talking about -- I've gotten a good impression from him so far. (I think he has an office in
Albany somewhere, too.)

I absolutely recommend The Headache Clinic at Schenectady Neurological Consultants. I have been going there for a few years now and find them much better than other neuros that I have been to in the area (I have had migraines for close to twenty years). I have received advice on natural treatments, prescription meds (including preventative), infusion treatments and even botox. I see Dr. Bruno Tolge but I think they are all very capable.

Dr. Verdini in Troy - hands down. Absolutely one of the most compassionate doctors (regardless of specialties) I have ever encountered.

I would find one working at a teaching hospital such as St. Pete's or even better Albany Med.

Well, I've never seen a neurologist for mine so I can't help you there but 7 years ago I went to a chiropractor for a hip injury and after several adjustments, my migraines decreased significantly. I still go once per month to Delmar Chiropractic for maintenance. I am not completely migraine free but I'm no longer in what I considered chronic-pain. Now I'm a strong proponent of Chiropractic care for migraines.

Seconding the chiropractor recommendation. As a long time headache sufferer, I can tell you that getting regular adjustments has made a huge difference in frequency and severity.

Also, when you see an MD, make sure they've confirmed it with a CT or MRI. Almost any headache that goes on long enough without treatment can present with nausea, noise and light sensitivity, all classic markers of migraines.

I'm 3rd in on Chiropractic. Middleburgh Chiropractic cured my migraines back in 1996. I still go in for a "tune-up" every couple of years, but I have been migraine free...

Dr. Charles Argoff at Albany Med is a neurologist who specializes in chronic pain, and has authored books on the subject. I suffered for years before finally seeing him. He got to the bottom of my problem within just 5 minutes of speaking with me. If only others had taken the time or had the knowledge. Call 262-5226.

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