Potential challenger for Chris Gibson

Democrat Sean Eldridge is said to be considering a challenge to Chris Gibson for the 19th Congressional District next year -- but he didn't live in the district. So Eldridge and his husband -- Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes -- bought a $1.9 million, Richard Neutra-inspired house overlooking the Ashokan Reservoir in Ulster County. Eldridge's Save Our Democracy was one of the groups that put hundreds of thousands of dollars toward Cecilia Tkaczyk's state Senate campaign last fall. [Daily Freeman] [NY Mag] [NYT]


The obvious comment to your lead in; is a deep pocket/ big money the only way into being granted leadership in the American political process? Personally it is not a two party system when the elite control the process. Then we have voters lead like sheep to the slaughterhouse blind to the propaganda on both sides. Decent people ignore all their crap and vote for a new clean voice for every election. America is sliding into a horrible future when wealth predetermines our political horizon. Is there any standing politician willing to take on the inequity by making a serious stand for campaign finance. Not a one because they do not want to have a fair election. Deep at the core of that is not an American but cowardice, fear and greed. Now it smirks behind it's wealth at the misfortune of legions of decent honest people out of work and falling out of the statistical shield of the news machinery. Our leaders form their perrogative around a table of spin doctors to tally a favorable perception of "political correctness". Yes i am discussed when the honor or shame of the so called leader is a craft not of their mind and spirit but that of others herding them along. Our we the blind leading the blind, apparently so.

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