The Second Vermont Republic

Over at the American Prospect there's an article about the long-simmering -- if not widespread -- Vermont secessionist movement. Yep, as in Vermont -- the state right next door -- breaking away from the United States. The people pushing secession don't exactly fit into one of the typical political categories -- they're anti-big government, skeptical of capitalism, concerned about the environment, and pushing for radical self-sufficiency. And one of the movement's leading figures regarded Bernie Sanders as a "prostitute of empire." [via Longreads]


Also the subject of the cleverly titled new book, Most Likely to Secede. To call Vermont secession an impossibility is putting it lightly. But it's fun to ponder.

The Vermont seceshers are a miniscule Potemkin movement with virtually no followers in Vermont.

In their one flagrantly unhinged statewide campaign in 2010, 99.24% of Vermont voters voted for someone other than the secesher gubernatorial candidate Dennis Steele. They've essentially given up on getting candidates with any real possibility of being elected, instead fielding a small handful of fringer, Tea Party type candidates that as a group finish in the single digits, usually 1% or less.

The American Prospect article was written by a personal friend of Vermont secession propagandist and shill, Rob "Baghdad Rob" Williams, and longtime secession advocate, Christopher Ketcham. It was a puff piece, pure and simple.

If you'd like unbiased information on the score or so Vermont seceshers, try here.

Can we give Texas back to Mexico while we're at it?

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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