AOA Birthday drawing #3: Basket of Adk Grazers beef, Bilinski's sausage, ingredients from Honest Weight, Larry's Southwest Sauces

cattle pasture white clover farm

Cattle in the pasture at White Clover Farm in Washington County, one of the farms in the Adirondack Grazers Cooperative.

This week, AOA celebrates our 5th birthday -- and you get the presents. Each day this week we'll hold a drawing for another birthday present. You can enter every day to win all kinds of good stuff.

Drawing's closed!

Today's birthday drawing: a basket of all kinds of local deliciousness you can use to put together some great dinners.

+ From:Larry's Southwest Sauces: An assortment of delicious sauces & recipes 
+ From Biliniski's: A 6 pack of assorted flavors of Bilinski chicken sausage
+ A box of steak from the Adirondack Grazers local beef coop: 2 sirloin tip steaks, 2 ribeye steaks, 2 NY strips and one large sirloin "cowboy steak."
+ And a $50 Honest Weight for other assorted ingredients.

To enter, answer the following question in the comment section of this post:

AOA is celebrating five years this week. What's the best thing about being five?

We'll draw one winner at random.

Important: All comments must be submitted by 11:30 am on Thursday, April 18, 2013 to be entered in the drawing. You must answer the question to be part of the drawing. (Regular commenting guidelines apply.) One entry per person, please. You must enter a valid email address (that you check regularly) with your comment. The winner will be notified via email by 5 pm on Thursday and must respond by noon on Friday, April 19.


Pizza parties, kid birthday cake, and bouncy houses. Or you know, maybe just getting dirty and not having to clean yourself up. Kids life!

When you're five, you're still young enough that you don't get much grief when you forget your pants.

Best thing about being 5: You can hold up one hand with fingers stretched out and say "I am this many"

Finger Painting!

The best thing about being five is being able to enjoy all of the excitement of life with out the realization of some of the negative things that are out there. Innocence, really.

Easy, cake for breakfast.

I don't remember. I'll have to find a five-year-old and ask him.

Can pull off running around naked as something that's cute and not creepy.

My 5 yr old nephew wore a lion costume one day just cause he wanted to. No occasion. Just woke up one morning and thought "I think I'll be a lion today". I am jealous of that.


The best thing about being 5 is the kid goes to school finally giving me free time

An unimpeded potential for absorbing everything!

Your parents still think you're cute.

You can speak your mind 100% free of inhibitions.

Being pushed around in a stroller still. Everytime I see a kid in a stroller, it makes me jealous!

Unhindered pure imagination.

Naps! Naps are the best thing at any age.

No more training wheels. Being able to wipe yourself. Half day kindergarten.

Naptime at preschool. I wish I had naptime at work!

The best thing about being five is kindergarten - I loved kindergarten! Snack & milk, the art easel, reading stories, learning to write. Best year of school by far :)

Snow days...

Someone else pays your bills.

Everything is an adventure at that age. Mud and swings and books and Legos and finding frogs and getting rained on and wearing your favorite outfit for three days in a row just because. There's very little that fazes a 5-year-old. I miss that.

old enough to communicate young enough to not be taken seriously

You can have fun playing with a potato.

Pony rides!

Naps! and public temper tantrums :)

All the fun, none of the responsibility; being five.

No worries and no bills!

I will always remember that AOA is five because this blog is one week younger than my oldest daughter! I love that you are five bc you kept me in the loop during my maternity leave!!

Not being at all self-conscious.

My oldest daughter is 5. She seems pretty cool.

Five is one of those numbers everyone calls "significant" - truly it is as we celebrate AOA 5th Birthday! Happy 5th Birthday!!

The best thing about being five is being young and limber, with a sense of excitement, and absorbing everything like a sponge!

you still get an approved nap everyday if you want one.

very few expectations about how life should be. and limited amounts of energy.

Underpants dancing.

Not being four anymore.

It is still sort of cute to ignore your parents and make believe you don't understand what they are telling you to do. But your time is running out . . .

No responsibility

At five, the world is full of wonder and mystery.

Still believing in Santa Claus,The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy

Falling down constantly while running around like a maniac, but never getting hurt because you don't weigh anything

hanging upside down on the monkey bars in a dress with no shame.

Playing outside barefoot and see who can get their feet the dirtiest!

The endless summer(s)...time just moved slower when you were a little kid.

My five year old: young enough to be a silly, imaginative, playful, emotional, goofy love bug, old enough to have intelligent conversations with me about the world he understands more of every day. A perfect in between age.

Sprinkler Parks

Agreeing with Debi above, the innocence, lack of shame, and only superficial fears.

Recess! Wait..are five year-olds in school all day??


I'll see your Cake for Breakfast, and raise you Breakfast for Dinner!

Learning to read all by yourself!

Summer camp!

Snack time, followed immediately by nap time

you can run around at five with no pants on, and no one cares.

Coloring and dress-up!!

Riding the bus to half-day kindergarten! Getting to play with all the other kids and fun toys there! No homework!

The best thing is that I can count to 5!

you can run around at five with no pants on, and no one cares.

Discovering that you have a belly button & want to show random people it by pulling up your shirt in public...then discovering that other people have weird belly buttons & wanting to see theirs.

I don't remember...

First year of T-Ball Baseball!!

Being old enough for kindergarten, of course!

... Okay, so I was a nerdy child. (And now, I'm a nerdy adult.)

Inspector Gadget toys.

5 year olds are so passionate about learning and absorb information so quickly - I loved learning about DINOSAURS and birds and fish at that age and memorizing all the guidebooks.

At 26 I still remember 90% of what I learned at 5 about animals!

Being able to nap and having the only disruption be the sound of the ice cream man.

Being super durable and flexible.

bowling alley birthday party!!!

The single best thing about being five? Naps. Glorious, glorious, judgment-free naps.

Comfort is easy to find.

No bills! and a strict nap time.

The best thing about being five is that when a child is quiet and just holds up their whole hand to tell you he/she is "this many old" you get to give them a high five in return and see them smile.

You feel grownup just starting school and finally riding the school bus but you are still a kid and are allowed to act like one,

eating 5 cookies because that is your age

You feel grownup going to school and finally riding the school bus you are still a kid and allowed to act like one.

Best thing about being five is that school is still a fun adventure filled with arts&crafts and sing-alongs.

It was the last year (at least in my family) when it was acceptable to bury my face in my birthday cake. Sigh...memories.

No job, free rent!

Running with your head back and limbs free, not a care to what it might look like to others..

summer is filled with ice cream and swimming in the pool.

the presents mostly.....cake too

Well, you're also one, two, three, and four.

The best part of being 5 is not having to work for a living! Plus naptime, and snack-time are awesome as well.

Your prizes this week have been absolutely epic! Best thing about being 5? Summers spent running through sprinklers, waiting for the ice cream truck, and getting to stay up past your normal bedtime because it's not a school night.

Well, on a scale of 1-10 five isn't the worst but I think being aged 5 comes with it the desire to investigate everything. Why are frogs green? Why are the clouds puffy, why can't oreos be for dinner--they are for Mom, and why can't I hit my sister?

rolling down grassy hills, hands over eyes and squealing

their incredible imagination!

Halfway to double digits!

onesie pajamas.

What's not great about being 5?! You only have to go to school half of the day and people encourage you to sleep >11 hours a night.

the best part of being 5 is naptime, snack time and still being excited about worms, bugs and snow!

It's all about the naps.

No bills to pay

I had a "silver lining" best thing about being 5--I'd broken my wrist right before seeing Peter, Paul, and Mary. Puff the Magic Dragon was, of course, my favorite song but I knew a lot of them by heart. My parents took me backstage to meet them, and Peter Yarrow saw my broken arm, talked to me for five minutes about the concert, and signed my cast. So exciting for a 5 year old!

No responsibilities... and lots of naps!

Chuck-E-Cheese, for sure

Without a doubt, the ample time that is allotted for snacks and naps.

The outfits: Rainbow tights worn with anything you want, including frog rain boots. Oh yes, and bouncy bounces. I am no longer usually allowed in the bouncy bounces.

(in little AT&T commercial kids voice) Because its better then 2,3, and wait even 4 and a half!!!!

When you count on your fingers it's a whole hand!

making forts and playing with friends!

Best thing about being five? All the fun shows on Nickelodeon!

Kindergarten, naps and play time!

Not having to work!

For me, being 5 meant that I went to Kindergarten - which I loved: Thank You Miss Thompson!


No homework!

If you're a dog, you're done with the puppy insanity but you're not a senior citizen with health problems.

Not worrying about paying bills and having a regularly scheduled nap!

time at the playground

making forts with pillows and blankets over coffee tables

When someone asks you how old you are, all you have to do is give them a high five.

Chicken fingers followed by cake and ice cream!

No responsibility!

I'm sure I am not the only one to want the lifestyle of a five-year old without being five again.

Being blissfully unaware of things like taxes and rent...

I remember getting my first robot. I'm still a nerd.

not worrying bout anything but what time you'll be allowed to watch tv.

Picking your nose in public

well naps, of course!

The best thing about being five is that you have much more faith in the world than you do as an adult. Also, equally important is that when you're five years old, you can go into bounce houses!

The expansive wardrobe options you have no matter where you shop. You're still small enough to fit into the adorable stuff in the toddler section (and there's a LOT) but you're big enough for the big kids section!

Being five rules! Every day feels like an adventure!

The best thing about being five is how care free life is. All you had to worry about is being a kid. Five: not quite a baby, but still a kid.

I'd watch my heroes Cookie Monster and Grover on Sesame Street, watch a my favorite Disney movie over and over again driving my mother nuts. Take naps, go to preschool, and think Santa was real

When someone asks your age, you get to put your whole hand out without bending any fingers.

Speech impediments are cute!

running around outside without ever considering it exercise

Cake, balloons, friends, family, free spirit!

school starts!

Spending the day at the zoo in complete awe. Seeing the animals for the first time.

Without a doubt, nap time.

Best thing about being five (or being a dog), playing in the mud!

Makign new friends in kindergarten!

The best thing about being five is nap-time.

uhm, everything! and playing and dogs and sticks and mud

actually enjoying christmas

As others have said - cake with an unbelievable amount of frosting on it. Like, grinding sugar crystals with your tiny baby teeth layers of icing.

Also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes and figures.

And only having to be at your "day activity" (school/work) for half a day, every day.

And Letter People.

Stuffed animals

Snack time AND nap time with lots of friends at pre-k

nap time!!!!

Kindergarten! Duh.

At five, swinging as high as you could on a swing set was the greatest feeling ever.

Everything, no matter how big or small, is exciting

Friends!!! Which are obviously great at every age, but 5 is the age when friends first become important - when they really start caring about one another and enter the amazingly fun world of playing board games, dress-up, and make-believe with each other.

How to make wine or hard cider with their cold one. The demand of must
need item in time of relaxation. Custom racks will obviously charge
more than a century.

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What's All Over Albany?

All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.


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