South End Tavern closing

South End Tavern signThe South End Tavern in Troy -- you know, the one with the "Ladies Entrance" sign -- is closing at the end of the month. The owner tells the Troy Record's Ian Benjamin the recent property tax reassessment "kind of pushed me over the edge." The tavern opened in 1934. [Troy Record]


Too many stories about local business closing :( Not an issue with your reporting... just an issue with local, family owned establishments closing.

What can we do to make the Capital District a better place to do business, specifically retail business?

Yes, Troy's taxes are insane. Troy's leadership is way off base.

Assess the restaurant chains with more taxes to cover the independents that are within their range of operation.
Patronize the independents, and spread the word how good they are!

"Assess the restaurant chains with more taxes to cover the independents that are within their range of operation."

God, please please PLEASE let this be said tongue in cheek. Perhaps you don't understand, but what your statement translates into is "Let's close down places people like to go so we can have more places where people don't like to go." That's not to say that all chains are objectively or subjectively BETTER, only that the successful ones are ones giving people what they want. I've been to enough bad restaurants that have subsequently closed to know that most of them deserve it.

I'm all in favor of buying local, and all that jazz as a personal choice, but it's MY CHOICE to do so. Making that choice on behalf of someone else is just wrong.

The Irish Mist just announced the same thing for the same reason a few days ago. These are basically two of the main restaurants in South Troy.

Mike, I think the fact that the South End Tavern has been around since 1934 means that they know how to run their business, and know how to give people what they want. It's a travesty that a place that is such an institution is being closed for this reason. :-( Not sure if what mg is suggesting is the right answer, but the City is doing something wrong if a place like this needs to close due to taxes (I'm fairly sure they own the building..... ).

Judging by the decor, the place hadn't been updated since 1934. I swear the barroom has a dirt floor. It was time for the place to change hands to someone who was willing to scrape the paint off the proverbial facade and start over.

@Erik: businesses come and go...

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