Some rain prompted many of the hat wearers inside to protect their creations.

The woman on the left is wearing the vintage dress from the 1800s. On the right, inspired by the 1930s.

The "Fashionably Saratoga" contestants line.

The "Fashionably Saratoga" winners. Michelle Hogan, on the left, took the top spot.

The "Kreative Kids" line.

The kids winners. Frank Potter -- on the left, a 5-year-old from Duanesburg -- was the winner.

The "Uniquely Saratoga" winners.

Kathleen Christopher took first place in the "Uniquely Saratoga" category for her replica of the winner's circle.

See, the horse has its own hat.
The winner in the "Uniquely Saratoga" category.
Special fashion correspondent Katilin Resler was AOA's representative on the judge's panel for this year's Hat Contest at the Saratoga Race Course on Sunday. She reports back, with photos:
The whole thing was super fun! I judged with Jenny from Mamatoga and Shanna from 99.5 The River. This year contestants were encouraged to involve the 150th anniversary into their hats (although it wasn't required), so a lot of the hats and outfits did just that.
One woman wore a black antique dress from the 1800s! Another wore a yellow flower hat made by a friend (who made several of the hats worn today), and over all there was quite a good mixture of hats made by their wearers and not. One of the winners from the Uniquely Saratoga category's hat featured a horse head wearing its own hat, which she let us know was standing in as the first horse to win at Saratoga.
Here's the list of winners.
A handful of Kaitlin's photos are after the jump. The horse head hat is pretty great.
Photos are in large-format above -- scroll all the way up.
The Saratoga Race Course advertises on AOA.
The Scoop
For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.
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