Quick-scan general election results 2013

polling place sign 2013

Updated 10:24 am Wednesday

Here's a quick scan of results from the general election around the Capital Region Tuesday. This is not a comprehensive list, just some highlights.

Numbers are unofficial, and some are bound to change as things settle (and as absentees are counted).

OK, on with the results...

The boards of election from Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady have results posted online.

* Indicated incumbent.

Jump to:
Albany County
+ City of Albany
+ Town supervisors

Rensselaer County
+ Troy
+ Mayors and supervisors

Saratoga County
+ Saratoga Springs
+ Supervisors

Schenectady County

State constitution proposed amendments

Here's a closer look at how the vote on the casino amendment broke down by county around the state.

Albany County

Replaces Tom Clingan, who's had the job for 25 years.

City of Albany

No surprise here -- Sheehan pretty much had it locked up after winning the Democratic primary. Her raw vote total (before absentees and other last counts ahead of official results) is bigger than Jerry Jennings' total in the 2009 general election (10,466) -- but short of the Jennings 2005 raw total (15,367). And while it's comparing apples and pears (unofficial early results vs. final official results), Sheehan claimed a much larger share of the votes cast for mayor compared to the last two Jennings wins (83 percent vs 64 vs 67). But the number of votes cast was way down -- only about 2/3 as many votes for mayor this year compared to 2005.


Rensselaer County


Mayors and supervisors

Saratoga County

To replace James Bowen, who's had the job for more than four decades.

Saratoga Springs

Cities and towns

There had reportedly been a grassroots effort to write-in the current supervisor, Patti Southworth, for re-election -- even though she wasn't running (apparently not that many roots).

An un-opposed race, but Halfmoon has been the subject of so much attention lately. The outgoing supervisor -- Mindy Wormuth, a Republican -- is facing corruption charges.

Sausville beat Klotz in the Republican primary -- and Klotz said he'd continue to actively campaign. [Daily Gazette]

Schenectady County

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