Interpretation is the revenge of the intellectual upon the hot dog suspended in beer jello

Ok, maybe that's not the original quote.
Words fail to truly capture the emotions evoked by the newest work from Mr. Dave, proprietor of The Ridiculous Food Society of Upstate New York. He calls it "Capital Region in Aspic." (There are more photos at that link, including cross sections. Bonus photo.)
Leaving behind meatloaf and mashed potatoes of his other recent work, Mr. Dave has instead embraced a new collection of media: Knox gelatine, Stewart's Mountain Brew, a Hot Dog Charlie's mini hot dog.
As with any work of art, it's better not to attempt explanation. Meet the work on its own terms. Experience it. Allow your interpretation to flow, as if water, finding its own level.
You will find yourself changed.
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So those 2 and a half years I spent as a design major have finally paid off... I always knew being an art-school dropout would pay off someday.
... said mr. dave on Nov 15, 2013 at 3:05 PM | link
That is beautiful. Cast the same thing in resin, and I'd buy it as a paperweight/mantelpiece/all purpose decoration.
... said Ryan on Nov 16, 2013 at 3:45 PM | link