In conversation: Zak Pelaccio and Ruth Reichl

Pelaccio and Reichl
Could be interesting: Chef Zak Pelaccio -- from Food & Game in Hudson -- will be at the Spencertown Academy Arts Center this Saturday for a conversation with food writer Ruth Reichl. The topic: "Beyond Local: Taking Local Food to a New Level." Admission is $20 and "reservations strongly advised."
Pelaccio gained fame in NYC food circles for restaurants such as Fatty 'Cue and Fatty Crab, and he popped up in media such as the Food Network. He and his wife, Jori Jayne Emde, now live in Columbia County and this past summer they opened Fish & Game in Hudson -- the menu for which is very focused on locally-sourced products. It has gotten very positive reviews.
Ruth Reichl is, of course, the former editor of Gourmet Magazine. And before that, she was the restaurant critic for the New York Times. She's one of the nation's most famous food writers.
The event at the Spencertown Academy is at 4 pm on Saturday, December 14. A reception follows, but if we were in Columbia County around that time, we'd head to head to Hudson (or nearby) to get dinner at one of the many restaurants.
[via I Love Hudson]
photos via Zakary Pelaccia and Ruth Reichl websites
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