Cash money

Have a quick look at that cash above.
Can you pick out what's special about it? Here's a closer look.
The answer is post jump.
So... what's special about that cash?
The answer is, according to the Albany County Sheriff's Office: It's fake.
The sheriff's office reports the allegedly counterfeit money was seized from a man getting off a bus from New York City on Central Ave in Albany. (The man is also accused of having ecstasy on him.) ACSO says it got a tip from a confidential informant that the man was on his way to Albany to sell the currency ($1070).
The photo above (it's the same photo cropped differently) is from the sheriff's office. We looked at it closely, and to our untrained eye, the cash looked pretty much like the real thing. Maybe that would change if we could hold it in our hands.
Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple described the money as an "above average" counterfeit, when we asked for his assessment.
Here's a "Know Your Money" poster from the Secret Service with details about the features of real currency, and a short guide on how to detect counterfeits.
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