School budgets pass but turnout low, Q poll shows Cuomo with substantial lead, choice for Lt. Governor remains a mystery, operator announced for proposed Schenectady casino

All local school budgets were passed on Tuesday, but turnout was low in elections across the state. Here are results in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties. [TU][TWCN][TU][TU][TU][TU]

As the Democratic convention opens, a Quinnapiac poll shows Andrew Cuomo leading Rob Astorino by 29 points. But a Liberal third party candidate could make a big difference. [WNYT][Daily News]

The Mayor of Buffalo does not want to be Lt. Governor of NYS.Who will replace Lt. Governor Robert Duffy on the ticket is a "genuine mystery."[Buffalo News][NYT]

The Troy woman who plead guilty to stealing $480,000 from a charity established to help victims of the Boston Marathon bombing will spend up to three years in jail. [TU][Record]

The defense attorney for the 18 year old Victory man who is charged with the murder of his mother's abusive fiancé says it is a clear case of self defense. The case has been handed over to a grand jury[TU] [Saratogian]

Rivers Casino announced on Tuesday that they are behind plans to build a casino in Schenectady as part of the $450 million project at the former ALCO site [WNYT][TWCN][Gazette]

A ruling by the NYGaming Commission's casino siting board says community support resolutions must be site specific, meaning the town of East Greenbush needs to take another vote for support. [TU]

Only three of the resolutions of support for proposed New York casinos from local municipalities were valid, and none of those were from the Capital Region. [Politics on the Hudson][Gazette]

Claiming they were "steamrolled" but he East Greenbush Town Board, a group of residents plan to protest a proposal to put a casino in the town.[News 10]

Efforts to get a casino operator behind a proposed casino site in Rensselaer. [TU]

A child safety seat saved the life of a 7-year-old in a Northway Crash in Wilton on Tuesday.
Troopers are still searching for the driver of a dark colored sedan that fled the scene after allegedly making an unsafe lane change that led to the accident. [TU][News 10]

Police plan to question a funeral home employee in connection with the incidents of identity theft traced back to an Albany Med nurse.[TU]

Albany police are looking for the person who allegedly knocked an 89 year old woman to the ground near New Scotland Avenue and Quail Street and grabbed her purse. [TU]

The family of an 84-year-old woman who died a month after her arm was broken by a nursing assistant at Hudson Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center has filed a $2 million lawsuit against the facility.[TU]

A bill to allow highly regulated use of medial marijuana narrowly made it out of the Senate health committee. It must now clear the finance committee if it is to go before the full senate for a vote. [TU][WNYT]

Milton residents are concerned about a proposal to lengthen a runway at Saratoga county Airport[TWCN]

A Clinton Avenue grocery store and deli was damaged by fire overnight.[TWCN]

Environmental groups are working to battle a new pipeline proposition that would carry North Dakota crude oil through Albany.[News 10]

Kirsten Gillibrand is calling for an investigation into the sharp rise in electric bills. [WNYT]

Military jets flew over Saratoga National Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon to honor a retired New York Air National Guard who served for 33 years.[TU]


I can't believe that woman who defrauded the Boston bombing fund only got three years. And what happened to the money? I hope she had to pay it back!

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