FameLab at EMPAC

famelab final 2014 penguin tv mars conversation

One of the presentations in this year's final included a conversation, in verse, with a penguin puppet.

Could be interesting: FameLab will be at EMPAC Tuesday evening. What's that? Let's go to the blurbage:

Think American Idol...for scientists! FameLab is a panel-judged competition to find the new voices of science across the world. Started in 2005 in the UK, this event is the kickoff to "Season 3" here in the US. Ten young scientists will spin tall-but-true tales of exoplanetary atmospheres, extreme environments here on Earth, the possibility of life on an icy moon in the outer Solar System, and much more - in 3 powerpoint-free minutes each!
And while the judges deliberate, we'll be treated to stories of how science meets science fiction from science advisor to Hollywood, Dr. Kevin Grazier.

The FameLab night at EMPAC is a regional competition for a spot at the final in 2016.

The event is from 7-9 pm Tuesday, July 29. And it's free -- just show up, no pre-registration required.

screengrab: FameLab USA


From FameLab, a better description:

FameLab is an exciting competition to find the new voices of science and engineering across the world.

FameLab was started in 2005 in the UK by Cheltenham Science Festival and has quickly become established as a diamond model for successfully identifying, training and mentoring scientists and engineers to share their enthusiasm for their subjects with the public.

FameLab sets out to support and encourage those working in science and engineering to use the skills they learn to communicate their work to society as a whole, not just colleagues and peers.

Some of the competition’s much vaunted alumni have found outlets for their skills within the mainstream media from TV to Radio, but the vast majority continue to play active roles in research, manufacture and policy development, whilst undertaking complementary public activities.

Thanks for pointing this out! We took our kids (7th and 9th graders) and we all had a great time. The topics were interesting, and led to some great discussions in the car on the way home.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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