Found Footage Festival at Proctors

From the fabric painting instructional video "Totally Tulip."
Could be (cringe-inducing) fun: The Found Footage Festival tour, a film and live comedy show, will be at Proctors this Wednesday. Blurbage:
The Found Footage Festival is a one-of-a-kind event showcasing videos found at garage sales and thrift stores and in warehouses and dumpsters throughout North America. Curators Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher take audiences on a guided tour of their latest and greatest VHS finds, providing live commentary and where-are-they-now updates on the people in these videotaped obscurities. From the curiously-produced industrial training video to the forsaken home movie donated to Goodwill, the Found Footage Festival resurrects these forgotten treasures and serves them up in a lively celebration of all things found.
Among the videos they'll be screening: a 1997 instructional video called "How to Have Cybersex on the Internet."
The Proctors show starts at 8 pm Wednesday. Tickets are $9 / $6 for students.
Earlier on AOA: The First (and Probably Last) Annual Capital Region Feline Film and Video Festival for Humans at The Spectrum
photo: Eric Llung
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?