Map quiz: In the round

A new map quiz: Can you guess what's represented by the pattern on the map above?
Hint: Some of these things have moved, or no longer exist.
The answer -- and a clickable version of the map -- are after the jump.
The answer is...
(scroll down a bit)
... all the pizza shops that have appeared in the Tournament of Pizza, all time (including the pre-modern era).
The clickable map below includes the shop locations with shop-by-shop score information.
We'll post the results from the 2014 Tournament of Pizza, sponsored by Keeler Mini, on Tuesday.
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The interactive map could prove to be very useful!
... said laiskiainen on Oct 14, 2014 at 8:44 AM | link
Aww. I thought it was going to be merry-go-rounds.
... said Burnt My Fingers on Oct 14, 2014 at 9:15 AM | link