The frozen Hudson River from above

As part of its monitoring of Hudson River ice during the winter the US Coast Guard posts reports about river ice conditions online. We like to check in on these reports now and then because every week or so they include aerial photos of the frozen river.
Here's the latest aerial survey, from February 6, that includes photos from New York Harbor all the way up to Troy. One of the photos is above -- it's the Hudson River at Albany, looking north.
Two other large format photos from the survey, of the river at Troy and Castleton, are after the jump.
This past weekend in the Times Union, Keshia Clukey had an interesting article about riding along with one of the Coast Guard ice breakers that work up and down the Hudson River.
Earlier on AOA: Winter on the Hudson, a long time ago
Photos are above -- click or scroll all the way up.
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Because the TU's paywall is dumb and the article linked above is interesting:
... said Paul on Feb 12, 2015 at 11:15 AM | link
err.. that did not seem to work. Paste the TU link into this: and enjoy!
... said Paul on Feb 12, 2015 at 11:24 AM | link