What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: Albany's assets, prominent architects, snowshoeing to the summit, winter light, an old-school winter, Peck's Arcade, making pizza at DeFazio's, dinerness, Korean BBQ, drinking chocolate, a birthday dinner, restaurant stories, dreams of scapes, dealing with -7, and learning to let.

Broadway Plaza Liquor in-post ad

Sandy reflected on some of Albany's assets.

Carl's been writing about prominent architects in Albany's history -- here's a bit about the Ogdens (you'll recongize some of their buildings).

Jen snowshoed to the summit of Hadley Mountain.

Rob took a "winter light" photo workshop with famous Adirondack photographer Carl Heilman II.

Jackie on loving an old-school winter.

Silvia shared five things she loves about the new Peck's Arcade.

Zena took the DeFazio's pizza class.

The Traveling Brunchers assigned Jack's Diner in Albany a 5 on the "dinerness" scale.

J+R checked out Namu Korean BBQ in Colonie.

Ashley says the drinking chocolate at Kilwin's in Saratoga Springs is "like hot chocolate on steroids."

Julie enjoyed a birthday dinner at the Ginger Man.

Dominic shared some stories from various restaurant jobs (and near jobs) around the region.

Daniel is dreaming of garlic scapes.

Chuck shared the way he deals with -7 degree mornings.

And Amy on learning to let.


Happy 7th AOA...

Here's your annual update on AOA's development! This is the last year for a car booster seat! Several adult teeth have come in and AOA is very excited to now be a tiger cub in the local boy scout troop. AOA is going to try to ride a bike without training wheels once the weather is better. AOA independently knows right from wrong and is very bothered by people violating the rules. AOA loves telling simple jokes such as knock-knock and puns. AOA is a green belt in taekwondo and has started their sparring program. AOA now has it's very own email account, and is allowed to use it to email family (with parental supervision the entire time of course). AOA is in the first grade and can easily read books, do simple math problems and write legibly. Socially, AOA is starting to become a little more self-conscious around peers and has newfound worries of being made fun of or not fitting in. AOA bonds with classmates over the shared interest of pokemon cards and video games. AOA's favorite song on the radio is "Uptown Funk" but is uncomfortable with the lyric "hot damn" and plugs it's ears when that is said. AOA still believes, but is starting to become a little suspicious about the existence of Santa. But overall, at age 7, AOA's compassion, thoughtfulness and kindness is well developed and apparent and AOA brings it's family much joy. Happy Birthday AOA!

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The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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