AOA NCAA Tournament Pool IV

It's a sequel to the sequel to a sequel. We have once again set up an AOA NCAA tournament pool. And, yet again, the winner of the pool will get a $25 gift card to Stewart's -- and a chance to sip from a cup containing the sweet, sweet knowledge that you were less wrong than a bunch of other people about how the tournament would play out.
The AOA pool is set up at Yahoo. This link should take you to the sign up page for the pool. The password is "greatdanes" (no quotes).
If you already have a bracket set up at Yahoo, you should be able to add it to the AOA pool with just a few clicks. (Or, if made up a bracket for the AOA group, you can add it to other groups.)
The deadline to complete your bracket is 12:15 pm this Thursday. The "first four" games Tuesday night aren't included.
As we did last year, we'll post the winning bracket and the top-10 finishers here at AOA.
The reigning champion in the AOA pool is Evan.
We will be awarding respect and admiration (and nothing else) to people who don't pick Kentucky to win the whole thing.
Important: The winner will be determined by Yahoo's tournament pick 'em system. In the event two (or more) people tie for the win, we'll randomly draw the winner from the top finishers. The winner will be notified via email by 5 pm the day after the championship game and must respond by 5 pm the next day. We'll contact you through the Yahoo system, so please be sure to designate an email address that you actually check.
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I couldn't get the link to work! I am technologically challenged though.... anyone else have problems?
... said Kelly on Mar 17, 2015 at 10:17 AM | link
@Kelly: Sorry it didn't work for you. Try this general pool signup link -- on that page, click the "join a private pool" button. The enter "AOA Tournament Pool 2015" (no quotes) as the pool name and "greatdanes" (no quotes) as the password.
... said Greg on Mar 17, 2015 at 10:31 AM | link