Fork in the Road #1

Here are a few quick pics from the Fork in the Road food truck event in downtown Albany's Tricentennial Park Friday evening.
Six trucks assembled along the edge of the park. And around 6 pm and there was a solid crowd, especially considering this was the first event in the series. Tricentennial Park seemed to work well for the event, with its small herd of cafe tables and the its steps for sitting.
If anything, it's just great to see people enjoying a public space downtown in the evening.
Fork in the Road is set to return on the first Friday of each month through October (it skips July). So the next one is scheduled for June 5 from 4-8 pm.
On to the pics...
Pics are above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.
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I enjoyed the food trucks, outdoor space, and galleries, but the park was missing some music.
... said jen on May 4, 2015 at 12:03 PM | link
I agree - this event needed music. And more Cider Belly and more beer. They ran out of both pretty early in the evening.
... said cmm2581 on May 4, 2015 at 2:31 PM | link
Needed music and a beer truck. The biggest seller was Dago's beer, of which they actually ran out of and had to get more. I'd hire Dj Trumaster next time and have a beer truck.
... said Parma Ham on May 4, 2015 at 3:02 PM | link
It was a nice family affair. No need for beer and music.
One block to the west were plenty of opportunities for beer and music.
... said J on May 4, 2015 at 5:11 PM | link
This was a great event. Thank you, Downtown BID! I'm looking forward to going to the next one.
Live music is a great addition to any out door event and it will still keep the event family friendly.
... said Maeve on May 5, 2015 at 3:55 PM | link
Why are people giving the Wandering Dago racists a pass? If i opened 'N##### Jims Hotdog stand' and said it was a reference to classic literature and doesnt offend me so its OK would I be allowed at family events?
... said HuckFinn on May 6, 2015 at 11:14 AM | link
Music would have been nice, but it was a lovely night, and solo with two kids, I didn't feel worried about the crowd or craziness (ie Tulipfest or Alive at Five). Kudos for bringing people downtown!!!
... said Melissa on May 7, 2015 at 11:40 AM | link
Must every event in Albany have a beer truck and music so loud you can't here yourself think? There are plenty of other events like that. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy them, but it would be nice to enjoy the food and the sounds of the evening and conversations with friends and family.
... said vwbugman on May 10, 2015 at 8:00 AM | link
Did you will you have a review of Number 2 (June)? I wonder what your commenter's think of the addition of music and beer? Personally, I thought the beer tent was great. June's fork in the road was still family friendly lots of kids running around. But it was all much louder. Bigger generators and the music. There were parts of the park that were unpleasantly loud. When are they going to get a Jamaica truck or authentic Mexican?
... said Lex on Jun 9, 2015 at 6:54 AM | link