Can you answer more of these 8th grade math questions correctly?

This week the state Education Department released half of the questions from this year's ELA and mathematics Common Core state tests for grades 3-8. NYSED described them as "a representative sample" of questions used on the tests.
Last year we posted a few of the 8th grade math questions as a sort of short quiz. And people to seem to have a good time nerding out on the questions.
So we pulled five more questions from this year's 8th grade mathematics test -- they're after the jump with the (hidden) answers.
Before we jump in: As we said last year, looking at these five questions is like squinting through your fingers through a keyhole -- it's not going to provide a complete look at what's on the tests, nor is it going to provide any broad perspective on the Common Core.
Here are all the sample math questions for the 8th grade test.
Question 1

(click to reveal answer)
Question 2

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Question 3

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Question 4

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Question 5

(click to reveal answer)
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Those are all reasonable questions assuming you've taken an algebra and geometry course. But its hard to compare to an 8th grader when I'm an engineer and better be able to solve them all easily.
... said Jordan on Aug 12, 2015 at 8:06 AM | link
Why do so many engineers seem to have God complexes?
... said ace on Aug 12, 2015 at 11:14 AM | link
... said Julie on Aug 12, 2015 at 12:24 PM | link
@ace, I don't think engineers all have God complexes. I think that they have an aptitude for math and science, and use them in the everyday, which is what Jordan was saying. I was able to get all those questions correct, I am also an engineer, but I wouldn't expect myself to do as well when writing an essay or keeping history facts in my head.
... said Christine on Aug 12, 2015 at 12:38 PM | link
Also, I realized now that the majority of the questions were not about finding the right answer, but about properly setting up the equations needed to find the answer. I am a Common Core supporter, and I wonder if those who are against it see that this method of problem solving is better, or even see these 5 questions in this light. The correct numerical answer is not as important as the correct method of solving the problem.
... said Christine on Aug 12, 2015 at 12:41 PM | link
5 out of 5 thanks to really good algebra and geometry teachers more than 30 years ago (and thanks to one REALLY BAD trig teacher, I left the math and science field for liberal arts).
... said A.C. on Aug 13, 2015 at 9:48 AM | link
2 out of 5 :/
... said JP on Aug 14, 2015 at 4:28 PM | link