Ditch Your Car Sweepstakes

The Capital CarShare vehicles each have names -- we're pretty sure this one is "Huybertje the Hyundai."
Capital CarShare is currently running a "Ditch Your Car Sweepstakes." Blurbage:
Capital CarShare wants to give two lucky Albany residents the chance to ditch their car and still drive one (or 8) too! Whether you've recently given up a car and are struggling to get around or have a vehicle that is digging a hole in your wallet we invite you enter this sweepstakes. Here's what we're offering:
One year of FREE Gold membership ( a $300 value + no application fee!)
$500 in driving credits to get you started on your reservations
A year's worth of bus passes from CDTA for the times when using transit is a better option for your trip
The winners will be featured in a monthly blog to document their experiences over the course of the year.
There are a handful of rules involved with the contest, so be sure to review them carefully if you're interested. The situation isn't going to work everyone, but if you've been thinking about giving up your car -- or if you and a partner have been thinking about becoming a one-car household -- this could be a good opportunity.
AOA is a media sponsor of Capital CarShare.
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I've been a member of the CarShare since the month they opened. The only complaints I've had with them were glitches in the initial rollout, all of which have been solved and then some. I couldn't recommend them more highly. The cars are well-located and there are enough of them that if your favorite one is in use (as mine was yesterday afternoon) another easy option is available.
... said JayK on Dec 2, 2015 at 11:19 AM | link
This sweepstakes got me thinking about the adjustments that I made in my life when I decided to give up driving a car regularly as an experiment back in 2007. It definitely required doing things differently, and even though it wasn't always easy, I'm really glad I did it. Here's the first blog post that I wrote about giving up my car...http://albanyquality.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2007-06-29T03:53:00-04:00&max-results=7&start=56&by-date=false
When Capital CarShare launched, I was one of their first members and I'm a regular user of the neighborhood cars. Most days, I don't need to use a carshare car, but there are plenty of times that access to a car has made life *so much easier*. Generally, I don't use a car to drive to work nor to pick up a few things from the grocery store. When I use a car, I usually use it for between 1 and 3 hours -- sometimes longer.
What have I used the car for? A bunch of "mom stuff" like
- taking my daughter to her doctor's office which is not on the bus line,
- driving her to school in the morning because she woke up too late to catch a ride with dad,
- driving a group teenagers home from a concert at SPAC after a different mom dropped them off --
...and other things like
- doing a big grocery shopping,
- and running quickly home in the middle of the day in weather that isn't good bike riding weather to take care of something.
Occasionally, I'll even use a car for a day trip.
I recently joined the Capital CarShare board when they asked if I was interested -- it makes sense for me to roll up my sleeves and help this new non-profit car sharing company succeed since I've been a fan of bringing carshare to Albany for many years...http://albanyquality.blogspot.com/2008/07/will-car-sharing-come-to-capital-region.html
So, to anyone considering joining the sweepstakes -- I say go for it!
... said Leah Golby on Dec 3, 2015 at 8:55 AM | link
I would absolutely enter if I didn't have to live within one mile of a CarShare vehicle. I've been looking for just one last push to sell my car, but I live in Cohoes.
... said Ryan H on Dec 3, 2015 at 11:47 AM | link