Snow, probably

An example: This map depicts that probability that there will be snowfall of more than 1 inch around the Capital Region between 7 am Tuesday (February 9) and 7 am Wednesday. / image: NWS Albany
Check out these snowfall probability forecasts/maps the National Weather Service Albany office has been posting online.
The non-winter winter hasn't provided many opportunities for making use of these maps, but we figured they were worth highlighting this week as we face the prospect of... a whole 3 inches of snow. (Somewhere the Icy, Snowy Apocalypse Meter is feeling lonely and neglected.)
One of the things we like about these maps is they way they highlight how forecasts are about ranges of possibilities. For example, the top of the page includes three maps: "expect at least this much," "most likely snowfall," and "potential for this much."
And farther down the page there's a series of maps depicting the probabilities that snowfall will be at least some amount in areas around the Capital Region.
So the page is both a way to get a quick sense of potential snowfall -- and indulge your inner weather nerd.
This winter so far: As of the end of Sunday, the Albany area has gotten 5.5 inches of snow this winter -- that's 32.5 inches off the normal pace.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?